Futakoi is a 2004 anime and visual novel series created by Mutsumi Sasaki. It tells the story of a boy named Nozomu Futami who goes back to his home town, moving in near a shrine. This shrine contains a stone, which, according to legend, turned two twin girls into birds. They chose to turn into birds because they were both in love with a man who would not pick one or the other. Soon Nozumu inherits the same problem, winding up with his own 12-girl, 6-sets-of-twins, harem.
In 2005, a 13 episode anime spin off, and later a manga, titled Futakoi Alternative was made. While this series contains the same characters as the original, it has a different story line and continuity altogether.
Tropes used in Futakoi include:
- Alternate Continuity: From Futakoi Alternative.
- Anime of the Game
- Battle Butler: The Sakurazaki sisters's butler.
- Childhood Marriage Promise: Nozomu and the Ichijou twins.
- Color Coded for Your Convenience: Each set of twins have at last one change in coloring in their outfits so they can be told apart.
- Cool Old Guy: The Sakurazaki sisters's butler.
- A Dog Ate My Homework: Nozomu has a similar problem with a goat constantly eating his homework, and no one believing him.
- Girlish Pigtails: Rara and Ruru both have these.
- Love Dodecahedron: Nozomu, his 12-girl harem, their crushes/fanclub... It gets complicated
- Meganekko: Both of the Chigusa sisters, as well as Mai Momoi.
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Nozumu. In the first episode, he tries helping the Sakurazaki sisters, only to get his ass kicked.
- Ojou: The Sakurazaki sisters.
- Pinky Swear: Done by Nozomu and the Ichijou sisters as children, agreeing that he would marry both of them.
- School Uniforms Are the New Black: Some of the twin sets.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: All sets of twins, to one degree or another
- Tenchi Solution: How the anime ends.
- Themed Harem: The whole point.
- Thirteen Episode Anime
- Token Mini-Moe: The Hinagiku sisters, though there are two of them, fit this trope.
- Twin Banter
- The Unfavorite: Ichijou Kaoruko hides her feelings from her sister because she is this.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: The Ichijou sisters.
- Unlucky Everydude: Nozumu.
- Unwanted Harem
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