Furthia High
"I'm the last known human in the world... about to face my first year at public High School. I'm scared out of my goddamn mind. please wish me luck."
Furthia High is a Furry Comic following Kale, the only human in a world very similar to our own as he enters High school. It begins as a Gag-of-the-week type affair, though more recently the comic has taken a more serious turn. Kale's friends include Bruce, an eccentric fox; Campy a seemingly narcoleptic rabbit poet, and Ashley, a strong-willed cat and the muscle of the group.
Was reset in 2007, the old canon can be found here
- All There in the Manual: Background characters are randomly generated (though they do occasionally get promoted to main characters), and the first time they appear, a few details are printed at the bottom of the comic. Sometimes these are hilarious.
Tom (Dog, Male, Straight, Junior) one day hopes to become an astronaut and become the first furry to leave the solar system. Not because he wants to be famous or remembered or accomplish something great, mind you, it's just that he despises the Sun.
- Art Evolution: Compare today's pages to the first page of the old canon, or even just the first page of the current canon.
- Battle in the Center of the Mind: Kale's battle with himself in the Dream Land
- Bi the Way: Campy
- Also, Eve, whose sexuality has only come up in her bio and a couple side comments.
- Camp Gay: Max, Bruce's father
- Cerebus Syndrome: Starts here
- Characterization Marches On: Campy's initial shtick in the beginning of the comic seemed to be that he drooled a lot, slept all the time, and almost never spoke. By the time it reaches the school dance story line, he becomes much more developed.
- Chekhov's Gunman: Eve.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Bruce is waaaaaay out there...
- Continuity Reboot
- Convenient Coma
- Curse Cut Short: "We interrupt this curse word loud enough to frighten the elder gods to bring you kittens! Your regularly-scheduled comic will return shortly."
- Did Not Do Research: One strip in the old canon (found here) shows a human woman being told her son's Turner syndrome has been cured. Turner syndrome only affects females (caused by one of the two X sex chromosomes being partially or completely absent.)
- To be fair, this could've been the "joke"? Not a very good joke, but who knows, it was 4 years ago.
- Detached Sleeves: A feature of Ashley's dress she wore to the dance.
- Dramatic Thunder: Bruce planning to sabotage the Autumn Ball
- Dramatic Unmask
- Empathic Environment: Kale's fight with Lupin
- Enemy Within: Kale's Kit persona tried to kill him before he managed a ceasefire agreement.
- Fan Girl: Lucy
- Freudian Trio: Kale and his other personalities, Fox Kale (Id) even refers to him as "Ego".
- Funetik Aksent: Campy's southern accent.
- Furry Confusion and Carnivore Confusion: Parodied and averted in This strip
- Furry Fandom: The author and a large amount of the fanbase
- Rather humorously parodied here.
- Hammerspace: Bruce sometimes seems able to pull large objects like his LARP sword out of nowhere. Kale and "Mask" do the same in their fights but it's somewhat Justified given that they're fighting in Kale's mind
- Interspecies Romance: As usual for a Furry Comic, Kale/Eve (human and lemur) and Campy/Connor (rabbit and jackal). Also Kale's adoptive parents (housecat and tiger), and Connor's (horse and squirrel).
- Add Bruce/Lucy (fox and platypus) to the list.
- Jerk Jock: Lupin, though he's also a fairly good cook.
- Kudzu Plot: The storyline involving Mask seems to be turning into this. Likely why there's so many breaks from that subplot to focus on more simple and lighthearted things.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: "Wow, good timing. As if some guy wrote it in a comic."
- Locked Out of the Loop: Kale. Cyrus, Max, and Hugo all seem to know something about his past and transformation into a human.
- Love At First Sight: Happens when Bruce sees Lucy at the museum.
- Meaningful Name: Lupin again; he's a wolf.
- Mistaken for Gay: Kale by Campy's mother.
- Happens to Bruce when his father catches him giving Conner a make-up kiss (a forced one by Campy's demand).
- Nice Hat: Campy
- Note to Self:: Kale's coma sequence is just a prolonged version of this.
- Oddly Visible Eyebrows
- Progressively Prettier: Inverted? with Gus, who at the start of the comic is very thin, but over time seems to be growing more and more pudgy because of his training as a food critic.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Lupin is revealed to be an aspiring chef despite being the meanest bully at school.
- Ret-Gone: The author's official position is that Felicia simply never existed in the new canon.
- Serious Business: Speed plushie-making tournaments.
Ashley: You'd be suprised how brutal it gets. People have died.
- Shadow Archetype: Kale's repressed memory of him being a fox and being subjected to experimentation to cause him to be human.
- Shout-Out: Numerous. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is an obvious influence on the author, as the DJ at the Fall Ball
rips offborrowspays homage to a quote or two from Kamina, and has his shades. Kale's Shadow Archetype also (apparently, we're only told in retrospect) uses Hollow Ichigo's speech about horses and kings. More recently, the "For Amy" flowers from the Vincent van Gogh Doctor Who episode. - Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Wait, Campy isn't the main character?
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: Christmas 2009.
- Technical Pacifist: Kale
- The Glomp: Bruce is a fan of these.
- Tsundere: Ashley is a type A.
- Twenty Minutes Into the Future: It's never stated how far into the future the comic takes place (at least a couple generations) but most of the time you wouldn't know that it isn't yet another "present day" furry comic.
- Though recently a floating "retro" robot was shown.
- This is even Lampshaded by the author, who admittedly sometimes forgets that the comic takes place in the future.
- Though recently a floating "retro" robot was shown.
- Violence Really Is the Answer: Kale's internal conflict
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?: Eve's plan to get Gus together with Ashley. The results have yet to be seen, but take a look at the words used and tell me that things won't go horribly wrong.
Eve: Don't worry, there is absolutely no way for this to go wrong in any conceivable way.
- Wingding Eyes: Bruce on seeing Lucy for the first time in #233.
- Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: Being a hammy LARPer, Bruce lapses into this sometimes. This is taken Up to Eleven when asking out Lucy for the first time.