Fur Heresy

Fur Heresy is a story told by a player of the Warhammer 40,000 Dark Heresy series involving their time with a terrible Game Master who happened to be a Furry. Since furries are considered xenos in Warhammer canon, the furries end up dying horribly at the hands of the humans in both sessions. Here's the link, but be warned that it is not-safe-for-work since it is /tg/.

Tropes used in Fur Heresy include:
  • Character Filibuster: One is delivered by a Furry in-character about the “supposed” history of the Imperium of Man. The furry proceeds to claim that their race was behind the rise of the Imperium in the first place and they blame the Imperium for backstabbing them.
  • Fantastic Racism: Since the Imperium were completely against Xenos, they end up killing the furries in both sessions. The Furries express the same opinion towards the Imperium in the second session, claiming they backstabbed them after helping them out in secret.
  • Her Codename Was Mary Sue: In the first session, the GM went into detail in how handsome his GMPC was. He was also the last of his race until he was killed by the PCs for being a filthy Xeno. The race of furries fall into this category in the second session since they have classes like “Dark Reaver” and “Harvester of Sorrow”.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: The furries in the second session believe the Imperium are bastards for backstabbing them even though they "supposedly" helped them out.
  • Here We Go Again: In the Epilogue, the Imperium players hear about another Dark Heresy setting called Revenge of the Scattered, better known as “Revenge of the Scat-herd” by a game store owner.
  • Kill It with Fire:
    • In the first session, the furry GMPC was burnt to death by the Arbites.
    • In the second session, the race of furries were roasted to a crisp by multi-meltas.
  • Off the Rails: The Imperium player and his friends horribly kill off the self-inserts in both of the sessions.
  • Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner:
    • Before burning the furry GMPC to death with the others, the chief Arbite said, “Correction, DEAD.”
    • Before shooting their multi-meltas at the furries in the second session, an Imperium player says, “There is one part to your history you forgot, humanimaleritics. The part where you die.”
  • Purposefully Overpowered: In the second session, the furries all have overpowered characters. Their stats were based on the formula of 30+3d12. Their weapons are even epic-level equipment and had impossible range.
  • Rage Quit: The GM threw a terrible fit when the self-inserts were killed off in both sessions. He even told the Imperium players to leave in the second session.
  • Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies: When the second session was thrown off the rails, the GM said the Imperium characters were fucking dead and called their players vermin. However, the Mechanus monkeys can't die because they had a special belt that soaked up the first 50 points of damage.
  • Skewed Priorities: The GM told the Imperium players they can't have cyber-implants immediately, but gives the furry players elite stats and equipment.
  • Space Elves: The furries all pick characters who happen to be one with nature and end up being insufferable Xenos towards the Imperium players.
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