< Funny Moments (Sugar Wiki)

Funny Moments (Sugar Wiki)/Other

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For all those other things that make us laugh that don't fit anywhere else.


Kefka: Well Poke-freaks, have you caught yourself a life yet with those balls?
Pokémon Trainer 1: Alright, that's it!
Pokemon Trainer 2: Kefka, we challenge you to a Pokémon match!
Kefka: Um...o...kay.
Pokemon Trainer 2: Piplup, I choose you! (tosses Piplup plushie to the floor)
Kefka: Ifrit! I CHOOSE YOU!
(Ifrit cosplayer comes in and stomps the Piplup plushie while the Trainers cower)

Chouji: (picking up a notebook) Hey, what do we got here?
Sasuke: Hey! Those are my inner thoughts! (gets restrained by Kakashi)
Chouji: It's his poetry journal! Let's see what we got here. Let's see... (starts reading) "My blood shoud be red, but it's black / My tear should be clear, but it's red / The sky is black / The ground is gray / A crow cries out my name...Sasuke" (gawking) Dude...you write this crap?!

(Chouji slaps Sasuke with his poetry journal)

Sasuke: Look...you guys can't understand me! You don't know what it's like; my older brother killed everyone in my village. Because of that, every day I suffer an inner pain that I can only express through poetry.

Kisame: ...you're a pansy!

Kakashi: Are you telling me Itachi is one of those weiner emo kids, too?

Sasuke: Dude, Itachi is way more emo than I will ever be; he's got thicker glasses, he turns his poetry into music on the guitar, and he paints his nails. I wish I were as emo as him. (Kakashi, Chouji and Kisame laugh) You know what, I wish I were dead, too!

Chouji: Yeah, Sasuke, we all wish you were dead!

Kakashi: Hey, remember your training--down the tracks, not across them.

Sasuke: You know what, I'm gonna write a song about this! And when I sell out and make millions of dollars, you'll all wish you were nicer to me! [Exit]

Chouji: You know, the sad thing is, he is gonna get famous for that whiny crap. Hey Sasuke! Come back here! I'm not done harassing you yet! I gotta still stick your head in the toilet! [Exit]

  • Several conventions (AnimeNext at the least) have an "anime dating game" for which this, in the form of wacky Crossover Ship, is the entire purpose.

Vanille: So, bachelors, how do you feel about dating... older women? Like, really older? As in... hundreds of years older?

Hoenheim: *grins, laughs indulgently, puts legs up on the table in front of him*


  • Ice skater Evgeni Plushenko and his Sex Bomb in a 2001 exhibition show.
    • On the subject of entertaining Plushenko exhibitions: Asissay, a one-man pairs routine. The dress looks pretty good on him.
  • Bruce Springsteen sliding into the camera crotch-first during the Super Bowl XLIII halftime show.
  • The 2008 Olympic Games closing ceremony—London's 8 minutes. Boris Johnson looking gormless while waving a flag, funny. That was just the start of eight minutes of simultaneous mass charm, hilarity, weirdness and cheese. Words can't describe it... Just watch it.
    • For that matter, David Beckham kicking off a football in said closing ceremony - and hitting a guy on the head.
    • Later that day, Mr. Johnson again, after stating that the British had invented the East Asian dominated spot of ping-pong with a game called "wiff-waff":

Wiff-waff is coming home!

    • There was much speculation as to who the music performance would be by- The Doors, Queen, etc. On the big night, the commentary went like this:

"Is that- Leona Lewis?

  • The Brazilian airing of the 2008 Olympics' opening ceremony was also unintentionally hilarious, due to the added commentary by Oscar Schmidt, pretty much the best basketball player Brazil's ever had, who spent the ENTIRE CEREMONY complaining about how he regretted refusing to carry the Brazilian flag when he was offered (2004 I think) because he needed to rest for the game the following day. The game that, as he constantly reminded viewers, nobody remembered whether or not they'd won. NOT EVEN HIM.
    • But Galvão Bueno, narrator of that ceremony and most sports in that network, also makes most of his transmission unintentionally hilarious (and/or obnoxious) due to his tendency of obviousness ("went to the ground and fell!") and trying to show his smartness ("without omelette, nobody does eggs", "his disposion is very high, he looks like a caged lion").
  • Any of Novak Djokovic's pre or post match impersonations. Specially the ones of Rafael Nadal and Maria Sharapova.
  • In baseball, any time a ball bounces off a player's head and goes over the fence for a home run, most famously happening to Jose Canseco.
  • Randy "The Big Unit" Johnson gets a disproportionate number of these. To wit:
    • The infamous "Bird Beanball incident" (not because a bird died, but because it chose the absolute worst time to fly into the field, resulting in a one-in-a-billion moment).
    • The 1994 MLB All-Star Game. Johnson nearly decapitates John Kruk with a pitch that's way inside, way high and way over Kruk's head. Kruk acts like he's about to have a massive heart attack, and spends the rest of his at-bat feigning absolute terror and is "almost at the on-deck circle" he's so far back in the batter's box.
    • In the All-Star Game in 1998, Larry Walker had to face Randy Johnson again after he had done so once in interleague play, where Johnson famously threw wildly out of the strike zone and Walker fanned himself afterward. When they both face each other, it happens again. Walker then turns around his batting helmet, grabs the other end of the bat, and switches hands. He eventually walked, at which point even the announcers were cracking up.
  • Colts vs. Texans, 2008 Texans home opener. Texans are beasting, up 27-10 with less than five minutes to go. Colts score a touchdown to make it 27-17, but the Texans recover the onside kick and need just one first down to ice it. Texans back-up quarterback Sage Rosenfels, starting in place of Matt Schaub (who was suffering from some kind of illness) attempts to get this first down by vaulting himself into the air, getting himself knocked silly and flipped 360 degrees in the air, fumbling the ball to Colts defender Gary Brackett, who takes the ball back for a touchdown, making it 27-24. On the next Texans drive, Rosenfels fumbles, and the Colts are able to score another touchdown, making it 31-27. Rosenfels then throws an interception to seal the game for the Colts. After spending 55 minutes creating a quarterback controversy in Houston, it only took Sage Rosenfels five minutes to perhaps jeopardize his career.
  • Any time in soccer that the ball goes through the goalkeeper's legs.
    • This troper remembers seeing a goal from a shot that hit the crossbar and bounced off the keeper's backside.
  • Anything pertaining to Chicago White Sox left fielder Manny Ramirez. A personal favorite moment is the time that Manny acted as the cutoff man for a throw from centerfielder Johnny Damon in 2004. There was also the time he was in the dugout randomly petting teammate Julian Tavarez in 2007. But there's too many to list here about Manny.
  • Somewhat related to Manny Ramirez but not quite. In 2004 or so, Manny had robbed New York Yankees utility infielder Miguel Cairo of a homerun. Cairo had already circled the bases and was in the dugout and had no idea that he was out until someone in the dugout pointed it out to him. The look on Cairo's face as he realized he was out was priceless
  • Jonathan Papelbon's Irish Jig after the Red Sox clinched the AL East...actually that whole celebration is made of hilarity. That was just the crowning moment.
  • The time a car tire was THIS close to win a race
  • A football player trips over his own feet and bites the dust. Without missing a beat the announcer says "Claude Raines on tackle."
  • Chess example: At the closing dinner after the 1960 Chess Olympics in Leipzig (East Germany), 17-year-old Bobby Fischer, already considered the West's best hope for a non-Soviet World Champion, told then World Champion, Mikhail Tal, that he could read palms. Tal offered him his hand, Fischer examined it and said solemnly: "I see that in the near future you will lose the title of world champion to a young American grandmasterâ! Tal promptly turned to American Grandmaster William Lombardy and, shaking his hand, said, "Bravo, Billy! So it's you who are destined to succeed me!"
  • In NASCAR, you can typically rely on Kenny Schrader to have a good sense of humor. Here's how he attributed a 4th place run in the 1998 Daytona 500 despite a broken sternum.
  • A tasty compilation of funny moments from various sports. Depending on how you look at it, #3 is either a Funny Aneurysm Moment or Hilarious in Hindsight.
  • Chris Kamara is a walking Crowning Moment of Funny, but this recent incident in which he doesn't notice a player getting a red card is his best yet.
  • This intro for Alaska Nanooks hockey. If lightning wielding, F-16 piloting, volcano bombing, planet destroying, hockey playing polar bears aren't funny enough...well...I really don't want to know what is. Not to mention that it's really fucking awesome and has zero logic. Because when you ignore global warming, shit like this goes down.
  • There are several old Formula One review videos presented by Clive James that are full of wit (and a little sarcasm): "The Renaults looked very impressive touring around together like Fangio and Moss. Or Flanagan and Allen"; "In Mansell's pit I was glad to see that his helmet was still globular. Instead of crushed flat by the burden of being called 'The British Hope'"; "While the Renaults were being put back together so they could be thrown away..."; "Senna was so moved that he spoke"; "Piquet was on the pole. He was still on it when everyone else went past."
  • Robert Green vs USA in the 2010 FIFA World Cup. After England went 1-0 up, Green fumbled a save to allow USA to equalize. It finished 1-1.
    • Not so funny for English fans. Nice work, Butterfingers!
  • After the Euro 2004 final, German captain Bastian Schweinsteiger received a literal Humiliation Conga!
  • A Liverpool fan threw a beach ball onto the pitch during his team's match vs Sunderland. Seconds later, the Beach Ball scored the only goal of the game for Sunderland!
  • What happens when you get a brilliant pairing of thoroughbred names racing down to the wire? "Mywifeknowseverything! Thewifedoesntknow!"
  • This interview by Dustin Pedroia. Not only was it funny, but quite prophetic.
  • July 21, 2010: Tim Lincecum does this. Having been at that game, I can safely say that everyone in Dodger Stadium, Dodger and Giant fan alike, was laughing their asses off.


  • Yes, politics. The 2008 Al Smith memorial dinner was a highlight for both presidential candidates, John McCain and Barack Obama, who both got off dozens of jabs and zingers. Senator McCain may have lost the election, but he could easily have a promising career as a standup comic in front of him. The line of the night? In this editor's opinion:

Barack Obama: Contrary to the rumors you have heard, I was not born in a manger. I was actually born on Krypton and sent here by my father, Jor-El, to save the planet Earth.

John McCain: Now, of course, it would be unfair -- and even a little unkind -- to put my opponent on the spot before he gets up here or to throw him off his game with unreasonably high expectations.But I do need to warn you, ladies and gentlemen, you all are about to witness the funniest performance in history, in the 63-year history of this event. Let's not add to the mounting pressure he must be feeling; just prepare yourself for nonstop hilarity, the funniest 15 minutes of your life or any other. I think he knows that anything short of that would mar the evening, insult our hosts, and perhaps even cost him several swing states. Senator Obama, the microphone is all yours.


  • "WOOO! You know you can't bring that weak ass stuff up in this humpy-bumpy! You kill the joe, you make some mo'! You know that baby!"

Terry Tate: You know you need a cover sheet on your TPS reports, Richard! That ain't new, baby!

Janice: [Walks by] Hey, Terry.

Terry: Hey, Janice. [To Richard] MOTHERFU-


  • Penguins, full stop.
  • Us. We have the bodies of apes, but with full or partial lions' manes!
  • Cats. They act all high-and-mighty until they misplace a jump and fall onto a chair. Or until you turn on the vacuum cleaner.
  • Monkeys.
    • And apes.
  • The duck-billed platypus. Living proof that nature has a sense of humor.
  • There's a good reason why chickens are often found in all sorts of humor.
  • Watching an armadillo run around may be one of the funniest things in the entire world.
    • Particularly if it decides to be vocal in the process.
  • "You are being shagged by a rare parrot!"
    • Parrots in general are walking, talking, squawking CMO Fs.
  • Lizards are the clowns of the reptile world. except monitor lizards.
    • And frogs are the clowns of the amphibian world, because of their big goofy grins.
      • Pretty much all modern amphibians are funny.
    • Turtles are pretty funny, too, what with their old man faces.
  • Octopi, squid, and other such mollusks. Not only do they look like Zoidberg, they're too daggone smart and are nature's pranksters!
  • The way birds of prey hop. Yes, even eagles hop just as funny as vultures!
  • Ducks, full stop.
  • The Manikin bird.
  • Walruses and their incredible mustaches.
  • Moose - deer with derp noses.

Web Original

I'm glad we compromised with flaming lay-up drills
Ah, f'rllz, oh tell me what's the dealz
You got the wills, the skills, the flaming lay-up drills

  • The Leet World, being a primarily humorous Machinima, has many.
  • Two Words: Hot Kool-Aid.
  • "...The hammer is my penis."
  • Two brilliant zingers from the Skeptoid podcast regarding the various claimed "powers" of wheatgrass juice: "It's not true at all that chlorophyll is a good source of oxygen. I suggest you continue to rely on your lungs for that, which are probably better since you don't have leaves." And "If you want magnesium, take a vitamin pill. If you want oxygen, take a breath. If you want sex hormones, get a girlfriend."
  • The section of the All the Tropes Wiki Drinking Game concerning the word Egregious rendered this troper unable to inhale.
  • The five-part episode of I'm a Marvel... and I'm a DC with Iron Man vs. The Dark Knight. Especially the fourth one where Iron Man imagined The Dark Knight being so good that Human Popsicles, time travelers, aliens, Santa Claus, and Jesus wanted to see it. This troper is still going to be laughing about that even when he's an 100-year-old man who's impossible and has hair growing out of his ears.
  • THIS parody of Rebecca Black.
  • This little gem from The Other Wiki:

Often denouncing a "Worldwide Mad Deadly Communist Gangster Computer God" mind-controlling mankind, [Frances E.] Dec is considered to have been a paranoid schizophrenic of the influencing-machine delusion kind, and is often referred to as a "kook".

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  • After a performance of Phantom of the Opera, the actress playing Christine stepped forward to urge the audience to give donations to a charitable cause (since it was in San Francisco, I believe it was AIDS-related). She prefaced her remarks, "Now, before we continue with Act III of Phantom of the Opera..." The reaction of the actor playing the Phantom was priceless.
  • Picture it: a tense scene during the second act of Wicked, when Fiyero has his gun trained on the Wizard, Glinda and Elphaba are both telling him to flee, and he admits he loves her and is going to go with her. Cue a little girl in the audience going "Yay!"—clear as a bell and quite loud in the silence. Everyone in the theater busted up—and while the actors were quite professional and did not break character or the scene, the actress playing Elphaba was visibly struggling not to burst out laughing, and giggles were in fact audible. Unsurprisingly, the same was true of Glinda's actress.


  • One of the Beanie Babies named Runner the Mongoose originally shipped with a poem reading as follows:

I'm not so mean, I'm really shy
But every cobra has to die
I grab them by their little head
And whack them till they're stone cold dead!




Nancy: I really don't see how she'd be frustrated. I really don't see how she'd be frustrated about an imaginary fish in and an imaginary fish tank having an imaginary death because she didn't give it imaginary fish food. No. I don't get it.

  • Game-review website IGN had a Crowning Moment of Funny when it decided to do an "English localization" of some of the cutscenes from the Final Fantasy XIII demo. The title screen plays it straight but then it quickly turns into a Gag Dub (link, NSFW), which sees protagonists Lightning and Sazh fighting a gigantic sex robot that Lightning forgot to pay. It also deliberately Flanderizes the original characters, with Lightning as a cardboard-cutout Action Girl equivalent of Keanu Reeves, the gentle and polite Sazh as a ne'er-do-well player-wannabe constantly looking for poon from Lightning, and the chocobo living in Sazh's afro as a player-mentor:

Sazh: Say, little man... girl... I have no idea what the fuck you are, but we gotta roll.
Chocobo: Let's bounce, bitch!

  • Someone took the generic 'Military Hand Signals', deemed appropriate for military personnel, and turned it into something that would suit the Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy training manual. Found here, it includes such gestures as to indicate 'Oh shit I think he was on our side'.
  • Back in 2008, a British illusionist/mentalist named Derren Brown put on a stage show called "An Evening of Wonders," during which he performed the Oracle act (you write a question on a piece of paper and put it in an envelope, seal it, then put your initials and what row and level you're seated on a sticker on the outside of the envelope; the idea was that he'd be able to guess your question based on how you wrote your info on the sticker). On one of the envelopes submitted, he looked at it, and guessed that, based on the fact that the person who put it in had written his info kinda scrunched up, that it was a teenage boy who, on a dare from his friends, had written something rude; Brown went on and guessed that it would probably say something along the lines of "why are you a wanker?" He threw the envelope into the audience and said they were welcome to look at the billet inside if they wished. They did, and he wasn't too far off. It said "cock." Here's a clip of the show. [dead link] The whole sequence starts at around 3:02.
    • And it became a Brick Joke at the end. During a segment at the beginning (a game of 20 Questions), he sent someone back into the audience without guessing the object they were thinking of, concerned that he'd get it wrong. At the end, he unrolled a big scroll with a series of predictions of things that would happen during the show. The word "bracelet" showed up on the scroll no less than three times, and when he asked if anyone in the audience had thought of a bracelet in the 20 Questions game, it turned out that that was, indeed, what the lady that he sent back had thought of. Derren's response: "You know what, that kid's right, I am a cock!" Here you go. The actual unrolling of the scroll starts at about 3:15; the lady revealing that she thought of the bracelet is at around 5:05.

Play-By-Post Game

  • We Are All Pokémon Trainers

Stand-Up Comedy

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