Fujimura-kun Mates
Fujimura is a Delinquent who skips school because he cannot make any friends. One day, Class Representative Usami Eriko comes after him to convince him to go back to school. And how does she do it? By threatening to color his cat's nipples black. Well, not really, she convinces him to go back to school by becoming his first friend. Though it turns out that not only is she the representative of a different class, she is very interested in becoming a different sort of friend, and doesn't hesitate to let him know. Add in a male class representative who walks around in a horned helmet, and a half-Japanese female class representative who insists on speaking mangled English, and Fujimura finds himself the Only Sane Man in a world full of cloudcuckoolanders.
Fujimura-kun Mates is a manga by Shiki Seiichi, full of random humor, an Unwanted Harem, and very impressive leaps of logic.
Compare and contrast with D-Frag!, another comedy manga about a delinquent meeting a cast full of oddballs, but replaces the harem and rom-com antics for more screwball misadventures in and outside school.
- Accidental Kiss: Chika pushes Shizuru and she falls on Fujimura.
- Aside Glance: Fujimura, after Shizuru's repeated declarations that she's Going Commando.
- Attack Pattern Alpha: "Formation A" consists of arranging three desks around Fujimura's chair to trap him while they all eat lunch. Complete with Speed Stripes.
- Badass: Fujimura has been in several fights against three or more opponents and hasn't lost any of them.
- Boke and Tsukkomi Routine: The whole manga.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Fujimura, upon seeing Eriko's luggage for the beach trip:
- Background characters refer to each other as background characters, and lecture each other on not standing out too much.
- The mosaics used for censoring can also be seen by the characters. They even comment on how ridiculous some of the censoring is.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: Eriko's threat to color the nipples [1] of Fujimura's cat black if he doesn't go back to school.
- Cloudcuckooland: The district that this manga takes place in.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Pretty much everyone except Fujimura.
- Creepy Child: Himuro tends to get like this whenever Shizuru annoys her (which is often).
- Deadpan Snarker: Himuro. Fujimura himself qualifies whenever he's not busy being outraged at the antics of everyone else.
- Delinquents: Fujimura has a reputation as one and the fighting skills to match. Another character is a reformed delinquent.
- Did Not Do the Research: The english grammar of the Word Salad Title has very unfortunate (or completely intentional) dual interpretations.
- Engrish/Gratuitous English: Inui does this a lot, resulting in a fair amount of her dialogue not making sense.
Inui: I'm fond of a little Air Hand!
Fujimura: Air...ah, Karate[2]...you half-Japanese only use English in useless places, dammit.
- Hair Decorations: Eriko has a flower in her hair, while Subaru and Shizuru have ribbons.
- Face Palm: Courtesy of our resident Straight Man.
- Fan Service: Chapter 4 has a picture of Eriko posing as a cat girl. It's even labelled as "an unscrupulous cover picture".
- Gay Option: The male class rep declares himself to be this.
- Gilligan Cut: Despite thinking that Eriko and Subaru are up to no good (as usual), Fujimura refused to spy on them. Guess what he did on the next page.
- Hero with Bad Publicity: When Fujimura saved a girl from some bullies, all anyone focused on was the fact that he badly beat up some classmates and avoided him in school.
- Hypocritical Humor: There have been at least two situations where the half Japanese foreigner Inui calls another character a Yankee or a gaijin. And yes, Fujimura lampshades it.
- Indirect Kiss: Shizuru thinks this might be the reason why Fujimura has a problem with her drinking milk straight from the carton at his house.
- Innocent Innuendo: Well, not quite innocent. In a contest to see who would do the most perverse things with Fujimaru, Shizuru boasts that she'd blow his flute... Of course, she probably meant his actual flute. The others took it as something else entirely.
- Large Ham: Both of F section's class reps.
- Long Title: Chapter 27 has this great one: "Although the Author Has Established Eriko as the Main Heroine, as the Editor, I Have Suddenly Decided to Support Shizuru"
- Followed by chapter 28's hilarious response: "I Apologize For the Awful Subtitle Last Chapter That Was a Result of Me Leaving It to My Editor. However, I Will Not Be Correcting or Reflecting on It"
- Chapter 34 continues the trend of long and hilarious titles: "If This Line Were Told In A Movie, Manga or Novel, Then I Would Either Die Or Get Caught By Police (Given That I Have A Handsome Dude Peeking At Me)"
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Eriko.
- Nosebleed: Eriko gets these a lot.
- No Sense of Direction: Shizuru.
- Outdated Outfit: Fujimura's class rep always wears a spiked shoulder pad and an old helmet for unexplained reasons.
- Subverted in one chapter when he changes into more normal samurai armor... oh, wait.
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Eriko claims that she heard from witnesses that Fujimura was having a lover's quarrel with Shizuru. The witnesses turn out to be Inui and the male class rep, only with mosaics over their faces.
- Post-Heel Face Turn Subaru joins the bandwagon ever since meeting Fujimura in person.
- Precision F-Strike: Eriko. Possibly from getting some words mixed up.
- Rescue Romance: Subverted most gloriously in chapter 17, when it turns out that Yumizuka Subaru was NOT the girl he saved from a group of delinquents, but the delinquent leader herself!
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Fujimura insists that he and Eri are just friends. Though he refuses to outright reject her advances.
- Shout-Out: Dragonball, Doraemon, Saint Seiya, Gundam... Non-Japanese pop culture has also been referenced as well. Himuro's family inn, for example, is called the T-800 Inn because she liked the movie and made her dad change its name to it.
- Shy Finger-Twiddling: Shizuru does this a lot.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Shizuru/Shitzuru.
- Student Council President: Shizuru.
- Super Strength: Inui.
- Take That, Audience!: Shizuru says that Rival is read as Homo, since people will misunderstand their friendliness with each other.
- Teen Genius: Himuro is only 14 and is already attending senior high school. Note that the Japanese School System does not allow grade skipping.
- Tenchi Solution: The three girls seemed to agreed to this
- This and That: Eriko, of course.
- Together Umbrella: Eriko has one of these with her and Fujimura's names on it.
- Trap Door: Himuro's trap of choice. Literally hundreds of victims within two dozen chapters.
- Trap Master: Student Council Vice President Akira Himuro seems to have installed a system of trap-floors all across town without anyone noticing.
- Tsundere: Fujimura. Lampshaded by Subaru and vigorously denied by Fujimura. Shizuru to an extent, as well.
- Unwanted Harem: Fujimura's constant refusals are not stopping three girls from deciding on their own to share him.
- And as of chapter 34, it's possible that there's a fourth girl that shows interest in him.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Subaru reveals she is one of these.
- Younger Than They Look: The representative from 1-C. Yep, you're reading this trope right, as he's referred to as a boy.
- ↑ Actually, she's referring to its testicles
- ↑ At the risk of ruining the joke, Kara (空), the first kanji in Karate(which basically means "the bare handed art of combat") can also mean "air" or "sky", which explains where she got "Air Hand" from.