< Fruits Basket

Fruits Basket/Awesome


  • In the last episode of the anime, after Tohru, exhausted and terrified, has nevertheless embraced Kyo after seeing his monstrous true form and he has become a cat again, she walks back to the house with cat-Kyo in her arms. Kazuma, in full martial-arts regalia, sees her as she approaches and does that graceful Japanese, one-hand-on-the-ground bow of respect to a superior. Wow.


  • In the early part of the story, Tohru briefly moves back in with her grandfather, who is now sharing his apartment with Tohru's paternal aunt and her kids. Her aunt's family makes it clear they see Tohru as something of a burden, until the aunt reveals she hired a private detective to do some checking on Tohru and knows she was staying with the Sohmas. The aunt's reasoning was that she remembered what Kyoko was like and figured "like mother, like daughter", and tells her not to do anything so "reckless" in the future if she wants to keep living with them. Her cousins then pretty much call her a whore, and Tohru stands there, silently taking it, until her grandpa slaps the male cousin. The anime makes this better by removing the Cloudcuckoolander aspect of Tohru's grandfather.

Grandpa: Tohru, I apologize. Please don't think too harshly of them. They're just disagreeable folks by nature.

    • This is followed by Yuki and Kyo coming to the apartment to take Tohru back home. Tohru's cousin figures out they're "the guys the little tramp was shacking up with". Yuki's response just leaves the aunt's family speechless: his tone and delivery makes it clear they better shut their mouths if they know what's good for them.

Yuki: Don't you ever talk that way to Honda-san, you lowlife.

  • Toward the end of the story, the curse breaks, and one by one, the spirits of the Zodiac animals leave their human hosts. The first animal to arrive at the feast, the rat, is the last to leave, and as Yuki breaks down in tears, the spirit of the rat turns and runs toward a pair of welcoming hands. The final panel is God, surrounded by his animals looking back and saying goodbye.
  • Also, when Tohru finally turns the tables on Akito Sohma by offering her genuine love and friendship. Keep in mind that Tohru, a simple schoolgirl without any self-defense training, is doing this towards a very unhinged Villainous Crossdresser who's in the middle of a terrifying Villainous Breakdown and has a knife, which she just used to stab Kureno. Akito vs. Tohru... Tohru wins.. Wow... just WOW.
  • When Kyo's curse breaks he decides to make sure of it by ripping off the bracelet keeping his true form sealed scattering beads all over the floor
    • Just before this: Tohru and Kyo finally hug - and Kyo doesn't change.
  • Momiji, who is not a tough guy (to put it mildly) interposes himself between an angry Akito and Tohru despite knowing that Akito has on several occasions maimed those who defy her.
  • In chapter 20, Akito comes to introduce himself er, herself to Tohru, and threatens Yuki. For the first time in the series, Tohru acts other than kind and sweet and is, considering her normal behavior, terribly impolite, pushing Akito away when she sees how distressed Yuki became.
  • In the backstory, we have Katsuya saving Kyouko when she's thrown out of her home by her Abusive Parents. He had come to ask them for permission to marry her, walks into them kicking their Broken Bird daughter out as corollary for all of their abuse of her -- and he calmly gives them a very well-placed verbal lashing before he offers Kyouko a place to call "home".
  • Kyouko saving Uotani from the gang.
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