< Frozen Essence

Frozen Essence/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Oryon, who physically abuses Rune for both his amusement and to upset Mina.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: From a glance at the creator’s forums, Oryon seems to be turning into this.
    • Caius too. While he's more sympathetic than Oryon, his fangirls seem to overlook or downplay his flaws and morally questionable actions such as almost killing Mina by draining her of her Life Essence in his path. He may have a Dark and Troubled Past, but he's still much more a Jerkass Woobie than a Woobie.
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: While Frozen Essence lets Mina hook up with no less than five characters, the one who comes the closest to being a "default option" for her is Rune who she needs to pursue to get the True End. Naturally, the majority of players prefer Mina to be with Caius or Zareh instead; the former because All Girls Want Bad Boys, the latter because of him having been in love with Mina far, far longer than anyone else.
  • The Woobie: Rune and Mina.
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