Frozen (film)

2010 Drama/thriller hybrid written and directed by Adam Green (the same guy who did Hatchet) about three young people who end up trapped on a skilift during a snowstorm, with wolves under them and no rescue available for 5 days...

Not to be confused with the Disney movie of the same name.

Tropes used in Frozen (film) include:
  • Big Badass Wolf
  • Despair Event Horizon: The reason Dan jumps in the first place.
  • Developing Doomed Characters: Due to the story, it might be called Developing Doomed Characters: The Movie.
  • Downer Ending: Parker survives, but is either dying or will be forever traumatized by this accident.
  • Everything's Worse with Wolves
  • Final Girl: Parker.
  • Follow the Leader: Obviously a variation on the Open Water theme.
  • Foreshadowing: Practically everything that happens or is said during the Developing Doomed Characters part of the film ends up being foreshadowing.
    • When Dan says that the worst way to die would be being eaten by a shark and knowing that it was going to happen beforehand, it seems to foreshadow Dan's death - he sees all the wolves surrounding him, and he knows that he's screwed.
    • Parker's talk about how horrible the situation had to be that you know jumping would be better. And technically Joe's Sarlacc Pit remark, because he's being digested by wolves, who will then be digested by other animals, and so on and on; technically he will be digested for 1,000 years.
  • Gallows Humor: The trio sometimes engage in this (notably when Joe is trying to keep Dan calm after he breaks his legs)), leading to a few Mood Whiplash moments.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: While Dan is eaten alive by wolves the camera focuses on Parker and Joe's faces.
    • Inverted when the film decides to show you Dan's twisted, bloody, and broken legs after jumping off the ski-lift, and when it shows Joe's mutilated corpse after he gets devoured.
  • Hey, It's That Guy!: Joe is Iceman. Also, Kane Hodder is the snowplow driver. The voice that recalls the driver is Adam Green's good friend and leading man of Hatchet, Joel David Moore.
  • Jump Scare: The first wolf appearance.
  • Men Are the Expendable Gender
  • Oh Crap: Dan, when he hears the wolf howling.
  • Potty Failure: Parker is eventually forced to go in her ski suit.
  • Reality Is Unrealistic: People complained that people could never be forgotten on a skilift... but it actually happened. More than once.
    • Also, the wolves' behavior is realistic, too. What might be slightly unbelievable is their actual presence.
  • Screaming Woman: Parker.
  • Shout-Out: The names of the two male leads are names of two of Adam Green's friends. Joe also says that the worst way to die is being eaten by a shark and knowing it, a possible Shout-Out to Open Water. Also, the Sarlacc Pit is mentioned during the "worst way to die" conversation.
  • Sickening Crunch: Can be heard when Dan breaks his legs... and again, repeatedly, when he's desperately trying to reach for the makeshift tourniquets thrown down to him.
  • Stupid Sacrifice: Dan. His jumping down from the skilift got him two broken legs, open bleeding wounds and a horrifying and painful death by wolves and was all for nothing.
  • Take That: The guy on the 'Missing' poster is a crew member on Adam Green's former movies who couldn't join him for the filming of Frozen.
  • Tempting Fate: Joe makes a joke about taking on wolves. Later in the movie, he is killed by them.
  • The Load: Come on, take a guess... Parker.
  • Too Dumb to Live: A last ride. Seconds before the resort closes for five days. With a snowstorm approaching. And after they get stuck, they don't even bother to zip up their coats even when frostbite starts to peel off their skin. Also, Parker sticking her bare hand on the rail overnight so she wakes up to find it frozen to the metal instead of just putting her hand in her coat could be this, but, to be fair, she could have accidentally put her hand on the rail in her sleep.
  • Trailers Always Spoil: The trailer (and the back of the DVD cover) spoils the fact that Dan breaks his legs.
  • You Should Have Died Instead: Parker more or less implies this about Joe, which she quickly gets called out for. Somewhat Justified, as she's grief-stricken at the time, and she apologises afterwards.
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