Front 242
Front 242 is a Belgian EBM band and the Trope Namer (but not the Trope Codifier) for Electronic Body Music: this term was coined for their 1984 album No Comment.
Their style, EBM, is a subgenre of Industrial that resembles the Darker and Edgier cousin of Synth Pop. "Darker and Edgier Kraftwerk" is a good description. The music itself is punk-like, aggressive and danceable Electronic Music with mostly conventional (verse-bridge-chorus) song structures.
Front 242 member Richard 23 was a founding member of Revolting Cocks alongside Ministry's Al Jourgensen.
Their Crowning Moment of Awesome is generally considered to be their song Headhunter off their album Front By Front. Headhunter is also their Signature Song.
Unfortunately, Front 242 have at times been accused of Nazism. This accusation is severely misplaced.