< Frisky Dingo

Frisky Dingo/YMMV

  • Continuity Porn: The show gets almost all of its humor from meticulously bringing back everything that ever appears.
    • It also likes to reference things it claimed happened in past episodes, but didn't. However this is only really obvious if you're watching it on DVD, and not watching the episodes a week apart.
  • Crosses the Line Twice: In the premiere of the second season, Taqu'il has gotten in hot water for releasing an album entitled "Ballocaust." The cover has him wearing an SS-themed basketball jersey and cap while holding a basketball emblazoned with a swastika as well as a chain around the neck of a bald woman wearing a bikini modeled after death camp uniforms. Taqu'il's (Jewish) lawyer doesn't help fix the problem.

Taqu'il's Lawyer: I see a celebration of life, like Hoop Dreams or Finding Forrester. Maybe they're going to find Forrester!...In Poland.
Interviewer: Aren't you Jewish?
Taqu'il's Lawyer: Who's to say?

  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Ronnie, a gay Russian Xtacle who rapes Xander in season one.
    • Also Taqu'il.
    • And Mr. Ford.
    • And Old Spice
  • Genius Bonus: After Ronnie rapes Xander, one of the things written on the front of Xander's body is "Glasnost", whilst on his back is written "Ronnie was hear" with an arrow pointing to his rear.
  • Growing the Beard: The show didn't really hit its stride until midway season one, with the hospital episode.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Killface's issues about Tac'quil being his running mate. A short time after the cancelation... Obama gets elected.
  • Idiot Plot: Almost every plot point is driven by people doing stupid/insane things, but perhaps the grandest example is how the start of Season 2 can only play out the way it does because Xander Crews just forgot he had a $20 billion check on him the entire time he was homeless.
    • He didn't forget. He was saving it for a worthwhile situation.
    • A better example might be most of the action in season 2 hinging on neither Xander, nor Killface knowing the basic requirements for running for president and their respective campaign managers not knowing that neither of them qualify.
  • Moral Event Horizon: Several:
    • Wendell framing his partner for several murders, not to mention his habit of murdering anyone standing in his way to gaining whatever it is he needs, in particular, murdering the bus salesman at the beginning of season 1.
    • Xander had TWO big ones. First in the season one finale, after losing his fortune, Xander arms Killface's doomsday device, intent on destroying the world if he can't be an uber-rich billionaire. Secondly in season two, when he purposely leaves his long-suffering girlfriend to die in a plane about to crash, THEN tells her (when she miraculously escapes seconds before the crash) that she's a bad penny.
    • Val seducing Sinn and then murdering her just as they were about to make love for the first time.
    • Simon shooting down Xander's campaign plane with his rocket launcher, resulting in the deaths of 19 people.
  • Too Good to Last: The show, regrettably.
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