< Friendship Is Betrayal

Friendship Is Betrayal/Characters

Twilight and her 'Friends'

Twilight Sparkle

Princess Celestia's faithful student, who is secretly plotting her downfall and is willing to go to any lengths necessary to ensure it. The tragic loss of her parents left her being stuck in her care, giving her considerable insight into their ruler's facade.


Twilight's personal servant, a baby dragon. Always tells Twilight to lighten up and stop seeing conspiracies in everything, with little success.

  • Geas: Due to a magical enchantment, Spike cannot leave Twilight's service and must do as she commands.
  • Love At First Sight: Towards Rarity, who exploits this.

Pinkie Pie

A perky, playful pink pony who finds joy in just about everything. Everything including carnage, death and destruction. Though her parents rejected her and her gifts, she's learned to always look on the bright side of life and your knife~!


An elegant seamstress who considers herself a truly rare jewel, and believes her dresses reflect that perfectly. Beautiful, manipulative and vain, she'll seize any opportunity to gain the respect, attention and love she knows she deserves!

Rainbow Dash

A cocksure pegasus who commands attention, Dash is the only pony who's ever successfully pulled off a Sonic Rainboom, a feat that's left her with a swelled head and an ego to match.


After losing her parents to a tragic accident, Applejack was left in charge of the family business. Hard work and huge sacrifices must be made to survive in that cutthroat world -- she learned that much very quickly, and has dedicated herself to ensuring it prospers, no matter what.


A seemingly sweet Shrinking Violet easily dismissed as too timid to do much of anything on her own. Underneath that innocent exterior, however, lurks some very dark thoughts -- thoughts which have been building under the pressure of years of unpopularity and isolation. Only her tight bonds with her animal friends have kept her sense of empathy strong -- for them, anyway.

Celestia and her Servants

Princess Celestia

The eternal ruler of Equestria, a beautiful alicorn loved and feared by all. Though hailed as a benevolent and wise ruler, she hides a sadistic side beneath her constant smile. Her sister Luna saw through this facade, leading to her failed rebellion. Now her faithful student is following the same path... but just how much does she know...?


A griffon who attended the same flightschool as Rainbow Dash. Serves as a member of Celestia's Royal Guard.

Sapphire Shores

An envoy of Princess Celestia who was sent to check on Rarity's progress after the unicorn was charged with creating their ruler's dress for the Grand Galloping Gala.

  • No Sympathy: Dismisses Rarity's work as 'mere glitter'; when Rarity reveals she used all her diamonds on that dress, smirks cruelly while commenting she'll have to find more.

Other Threats

Nightmare Moon

Formerly Celestia's little sister Princess Luna, she came to realize the depths of Celestia's depravity and tried in vain to warn everypony. For her troubles, she was painted as a jealous, powerhungry brat and was ignored and scorned. Desperate, she turned to the dark arts and became Nightmare Moon in order to overthrow her, only to get sealed away in the moon for a thousand years. This didn't quell her desire for revolution at all, and upon her return, she immediately tried again.

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