< Friends of a Solar Empire

Friends of a Solar Empire/YMMV

YMMV tropes in Friends of a Solar Empire include:

  • Crazy Awesome: Borr Vorskov has shades of this. His list of supplies for a party includes a rubber hose and a man in a penguin suit.
  • Complete Monster: The people who made Twilight Sparkle, The Horizon Corporation.
    • This bears elaboration: Horizon was trying to create genetically-engineered Super Soldiers--with any kind of transhumanism (transponyism?) forbidden by the Traders. So they're breaking a fundamental law of their nation. Bad enough, right? Well, flashbacks and "extra documents" by the writer reveal that these lunatics had absolutely no regard for Twilight as a sentient being, or even a living creature. She was just a weapon to them, nothing more. Oh, and she was just a filly--that is, a child--when she was rescued. So, Horizon cooked up a kid in a laboratory and treated her like shit, all for the sake of creating a living weapon. That's Complete Monster material already, but the kicker to all this? Twilight is the only survivor of Horizon's experiments, and it's implied there were others like Twilight on the lab. Horizon tried to blow up the lab to cover the evidence of what they'd done. What a bunch of bastards.
    • The general opinion of the Trade Order regarding the Vasari. They are not wrong.
    • While not appearing in the story proper--only World Building by the writer--the Federation of the Stars certainly qualifies. All you need to know is that they degenerated into a People's Republic of Tyranny of the worst kind, and tried to replace humanity with a genetically-enhanced Master Race called "the New Men". Oh, and because of these guys, Earth is now an uninhabitable hellhole.
  • Moe: Twilight Sparkle, oh so very much.
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