Friday Night Cranks
Friday Night Cranks, sometimes abbreviated as "FNC", is an internet show made by now-18 year old Jared Mcmullin with his cousins Kristin and Joe. Every Friday night, they prank call businesses and people while streaming live from their website. Their show is every Friday from 9PM-11PM eastern at
- The Alcoholic: Kristen's unnamed drunken character who recently debuted in the Drunk in Disney Hotel call
- Ambiguously Gay: The "Brendan" character.
- Though he pretty much qualifies more for Camp Gay in most cases
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Michelle has been this to both Jimmy and Ralphie
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Michelle is definitely this, and Brendan often is as well.
- Black Comedy: The show uses a lot of this, actually.
- Black Comedy Rape: The World Warcraft Prank, where "Jim" claims his daughter is using the term "getting raped by someone" in WOW terms. Believe it or not, it turns out to be a Crowning Video Of Funny.
Kristin: (as daughter) So, if I go to a magic show and a magician pulls out his wand, is he gonna rape me?
Jared: (as Jim) It depends on what the magician looks like. But in most cases you would not say that in the real world; in the video game world, he definitely would, because he would beat you, with his magic spell. But in the real world, that's fake.
Kristin: (as daughter) So magicians rape rabbits when they pull them out of their hats?
- Catch Phrase: "12 - 6 cloud"
- Cloudcuckoolander: Every character tends to be this at one point or another.
- Cool Old Lady: The "Gertrude" character.
- Double Entendre: So, so, so many of them in the The World Warcraft Prank. Also, from the Netflix Prank, where they call Netflix and tell them they shipped a pornographic cartoon version of the Titanic...
Jared: A different kind of ship was sinking, if you know what I mean.
- Dude Sounds Like a Lady: People seem to mistake both the Brendan and Barney characters for women a lot.
- Genki Girl: The "Michelle" character.
- Gone Horribly Wrong: The #RIPGEORGE prank call, in which Kristin (as Michelle) attempted to call and interview people named George Washington for a school report. It didn't end well for two Georges...
- Imaginary Friend: Michelle has one named Kelly
- Karma Houdini: Somehow, they've gotten in no trouble for the hundreds of prank calls they've done.
- Manipulative Bitch: Ruth, the Walmart Employee, who was apparently on to Michelle's prank about losing her imaginary friend Kelly, started confusing Michelle, claiming it was Target, Best Buy, a gas station, and McDonalds.
- Power Trio
- The Hero: Jared
- The Smart Guy: Joe the Camera Guy
- The Chick: Kristen
- The Sixth Ranger: Stu Stone could be considered this when he joins in
- Put on a Bus: Joe the Camera Guy is no longer a part of the show, but he may return in the future.
- Rickroll: This is often used during pranks, though they later switched to using different songs instead.
- Screw Yourself: The Mitch Loves Mitch call also somehow manages to combine this with Twincest
- Serial Killer: Mitch
- Shout-Out: Stu Stone, who has recently been a guest in some prank calls, voiced the character of Ralphie on The Magic School Bus and his character uses the same name. In the Baby S**tter Prank Call he also mentions that his old teacher was called Mrs. Frizzle
- Shutting Up Now: In the Netflix Prank, Jared, as the father who accidentally rented a cartoon porn edited into Titanic, tells Kristin, playing as a daughter mimicking the porn noises from a dolphin and walrus in the background, to shut up very loudly. Kristin's character shuts up... for ten seconds.
- Spell My Name with an "S": "Brendan" vs. "Brenden"
- Surreal Humour: A lot of pranks like to use this. A good example is a prank that was not put on youtube, but involved a hurt baby giraffe at a Disney resort.
- Yandere: Mitch seems to be this, or at least have tones of it.