< Friday (song)
Friday (song)/YMMV
- Alternate Character Interpretation: Is the rapper under the impression that he's making sexual innuendos when in reality he's just singing the same insipid lyrics?
- Awesome Music: Bob Dylan makes everything better.
- Ladies and gentlemen: The Walken Version.
- You have to admit Colbert was awesome in this version.
- The Death Metal version is awesome and pretty funny, given the Lyrical Dissonance.
- Glee's take on the song has actually garnered positive reception.
- Non Sequitur Scene: The appearance of some random black guy rapping about school buses is the most obvious example.
- Bile Fascination: More than likely the reason anyone listened to it for the first time.
- Broken Base: EVERYWHERE ON THE INTERNET. This Very Wiki included has been divided on how to classify the song. While some consider it So Bad It's Good, others have decried it the worst song in existence. The only thing everyone is in agreement with is that this song has quite inexplicably gone viral.
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Rebecca and her friend taking the comments in stride and still saying that despite the awkwardness of the song and video, they had fun (instead of backtracking and denouncing the video). Also, now that she's profited from the song, she plans to donate the proceeds to Japan and her school.
- Surprisingly, ARK Music Factory could get one as well. Despite what it looks like, they just want to help their clients make music videos, and felt badly when Rebecca began receiving bad publicity.
- Lady Gaga unironically saying that she thought that Rebecca Black was a genius in an interview. She was so excited when she found out.
- Dude, Not Funny: For all the Snark Bait the song has provided some have gone beyond merely poking fun at it. Most would probably agree telling a 13-year old girl she should kill herself crosses the line.
- Ear Worm: Don't even try to deny it.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Benni Cinkle, aka "That girl in pink who danced awkwardly in Rebecca Black's Friday" (or just "That Girl in Pink"). She has her own Facebook fan page. She even posted a FAQ video on Youtube. Recently, she had her own music video, "Can You See Me Now".
- The rapper, 'Pato' Patrice Wilson, has quite the following.
- That girl on the left side of Rebecca Black who apparently isnt her friend.
- Epileptic Trees: According to some 4Channer, the song is about the Kennedy assasination.
- Hate Dumb: No matter how bad you think the song is, some of the comments toward her goes well beyond criticism of the song. She's even been sent death threats. Presumably because of this, commenting has been disabled for the video.
- She Really Can Sing: Black's acoustic version of the song proves that she actually can sing, and she isn't bad at it. The video has an obscene amount of dislikes because of her involvement.
- Memetic Mutation: Every little bit of the video is probably an in-joke by now somewhere or other, but standouts include the awkward moves of the two girls sitting in the backseat with Black.
- Misblamed: The lyrics and the abusive use of auto-tune were actually done by Ark Music Factory, the company that produced the music video, not Rebecca Black herself.
- Nightmare Fuel: The "pencil-sketch flipbook effect" has a tendency to look strange, as well as showing the possibility of causing certain people to have seizures/migraines..
- This parody is a disturbing and odd blend of Nightmare Fuel and Crowning Moment of Funny.
- No Such Thing as Bad Publicity: The song has now reached the top 100 on iTunes.
- It's also been parodied and satirized so much that it's looked upon more humorously than with contempt.
- Old Shame: Black already seems to be somewhat ashamed of her participation in Friday.
- Painful Rhyme: "Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal".
- Serious Business: According to some people, she is apparently the reason why [insert indie band here] is not popular, and deserves to die.
- As opposed to the indie band being indie?!
- So Bad It's Good: It has millions of views on YouTube for a reason.
- Someone went and made a Big Al cover. Seriously.
- Special Effects Failure:
- The green screening during the driving sequences make the exterior shots in The Room look like Avatar.
- The "pencil sketches" on the calendar at the start of the video, which are obviously just bad embossing effects.
- When the three girls are sitting up in the back of the moving car at night, their hair isn't blowing.
- Surprisingly Improved Sequel: Rebecca's more recent song, "My Moment", is significantly better than "Friday". Thus far, the like-to-dislike ratio is much less severe than Friday's was.
- Uncanny Valley: The "pencil effect" used at certain points in the song makes Rebecca look unsettling.
- Probably because of how the angles give insane detail to the dimples around her mouth and the imperfections on her skin, making her look like a 65 year-old woman with a face loaded with Botox.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Didactic?: This academic postmodern analysis of the song. Also contains references to Uncanny Valley and The Abyss Gazes Also.
- The Woobie: The song may be bad, but a 13-year-old—and what seems like a sweet one at that—does not deserve death threats and awful names.
- Word Salad Lyrics: The Bad Lip Reader version, called "Gang Fight" is full of them. And is considered by many who have posted on its You Tube page to be better than the original despite that!
- Gang fight! Gang fight! The gang is down to fight, yeah! Have I brought this chicken for us to eat?
- Not only that, but this version even seems to make the random rapper guy sound like he belongs there versus the original version, in which it can be inferred by the listener that he's some sort of pedo who's chasing after a school bus.
Back to Friday.
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