< Freudian Excuse

Freudian Excuse/New Media

  • Mariavel Varella, the primary villain of Survival of the Fittest v2, has something of a Freudian Excuse to justify her actions. She was raped by her father as a child (although this may have since been the subject of a Retcon). However, what does remain Canon is the other abuse she suffered at the hands of her father - as well as him killing her brother.
  • Steff in Tales of MU: "Don't you think I've earned a chance to be the one at the top of the shitheap for a while? Three more years and then nobody's going to fuck with me, ever again."
  • In Yu-Gi-Oh the Abridged Series, Tristan asks Bakura why he is so evil, to which Bakura replies "Well, I guess my mummy didn't love me enough. Did you know she wanted to name me Florence? Who names a boy Florence?!"
  • Stalker with a Crush Zaboo from The Guild. Dead father, Mother From Hell, it's amazing he isn't more messed up than he is. Although he's pretty damn messed up.
  • Stray discusses this - it's set in the Metal Gear universe, land of villains with unhappy childhoods, and at least two characters (including one of the protagonists) are former Tykebombs. However, Adamska (one of the tykebombs in question) eventually rejects the idea that a person's essential nature can be changed by the actions of other people.
  • Gaia Online's current Big Bad was neglected by his "father", Johnny K. Gambino, in favor of his natural son Gino. This led him to found his own Mad Scientist corporation, NeXus, to study the Animated and eventually use them to try and take over the world.
  • Lord Doom, an Evil Overlord Well-Intentioned Extremist supervillain from the Global Guardians PBEM Universe was nine years old when he became the only member of his family to survive internment in a Nazi concentration camp (his father was executed right in front of the boy by a camp guard who was "merely testing his newly-issued pistol"). He didn't even have the consolation of a community of Holocaust survivors to relate to as his family wasn't Jewish, or Gypsy, or Slavs... there were merely politically inconvenient. His campaign to take over the world is founded on his very real, very sincere, and very, very obsessive wish that no more children suffer the loss of their Mommy and Daddy and little sisters like he did.
  • The Affably Evil Ask That Guy With The Glasses apparently had an awful childhood, with being sexually abused by a doctor and losing his virginity to a gym teacher. And while they're not evil (more like a Cute and Psycho and Psychopathic Manchild, respectively), The Nostalgia Chick and The Nostalgia Critic both have a lot of issues from bad things happening to them too. This is all Played for Laughs, naturally.
  • Parodied in the Christmas Special of Dragonball Z Abridged: Turles hates Christmas because Santa never visited Planet Vegeta, and so their only holiday was Freeza's Day. Also his henchmen all did horrible things, including dropping a whole truck of coal on a naughty child's house and raping Rudolph.
  • Unsurprisingly, this is implied to be the reason Red Letter Media's Mr Plinkett is a mentally unstable kidnapper and murderer. He mentions attacking a doctor who asked about his "dear old mother", then we are shown a brief flashback of his mother telling him to "bury the bodies under the floorboards".
  • Echo Chamber's Tom and Zack have Freudian excuses.
    • Tom tries to be better than his younger brother, who was superior to him in every way since they were kids. As you might expect, this doesn't justify why he picks on Zack.
    • Zack's father dictates his life, so he's never had to make a decision before. That's why, when he begins working with Dana and Tom, he acts like a Man Child.
  • The Nostalgia Critic mentions that part of the reason he has such a Bias Steamroller over Doug is that when he was younger (When the show was popular) a lot of people would tease him about it and constantly bring it up, saying "If you were named 'Doug', you were ALWAYS associated with this show."
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