Freelance Astronauts/YMMV
- Accidental Innuendo: Averted/Subverted most of the time, since they really mean their innuendo, but the F-Zero GX LP gives up this gem:
Maxwell: "It's really great when you get to the end of the mission, and you lose because the hit detection on the exit...shaft..."
- The name Seaman alone should give you an idea of how many are ripe for the picking in the LP.
- "Luigi went up the pipe!" "Did you hear Luigi likes it up the pipe?"
- And the Fandom Rejoiced: After months of Ferr and pipes! being absent from videos, they finally returned for the LP of Cargo the Quest For Gravity.
- The return to official LPs in general, following almost a full year of just short streams showing the latest game maxwell got.
- Crazy Awesome: The Kickboat from "The Kickboat Saga". Complete abuse of the Source physics engine + SMod's kick move + Boat + ??? = PROFIT!
- Crosses the Line Twice: SPECIALBOY. Jokes about mentally ill people are not funny. Jokes about retarded Miis are hilarious.
- Also, anything involving Louie Anderson.
- Their JFK Reloaded videos, wherein they turn the assassination of John F. Kennedy into a minigame where they have to make ridiculous trick shots.
- Mickey Mouse in an anime, during the Prototype LP. Tentacles are involved.
- 'Little Billy from the Make-A-Wish Foundation' in the Wii Sports videos. "I'm not supposed to be out in the sun!"
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Ferr getting a higher score than anyone else on his 3rd song during the Karaoke Revolution Party LP.
- Maxwell wins a Quicktime Event battle with Krauser in Resident Evil 4...without looking at the screen. He just shakes the Wiimote and presses the buttons constantly while leaving to get a glass of water, and he beats the cutscene flawlessly.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Has its own page.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: PlasmaMan. Started out as some random guest off of the Skype Chat, and became a full-fledged regular.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: The Astronauts make choo-choo noises as the postman runs past Link in Majora's Mask. This is the exact way another postman delivers letters to Link in The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks.
- During their Resident Evil 4 LP, they begin discussing the movie Wanted and it's whole bullet-curving gimmick. Maxwell jokes that the MythBusters would probably tear the myth apart and then create a robot to try and do it. One year later....
- During their Vice City LP, Ferr and Maxwell discuss the fact that because the majority of pedestrians go around doing nothing everyday in Vice City, it'd be easy for a detective to track down Tommy Vercetti and pin him for all his crimes. Maxwell remarks that if there were a detective smart enough to do that, then you'd be playing as that detective, tracking down criminals and shooting them. Sure enough, a couple years later...
- Maxwell after hearing about Doomisland's attempt on Master Quest in the Majora's Mask LP, including getting stuck on the Forest Temple:
'Maxwell: People listening to this are probably thinking 'Hey, you should go and do a [Let's Play Forum] thread on Master Quest. Well, screw you, Internet! I'm not going to...
- During the Power Stone 2 LP, Pipes is crying out "STOP BUBBLING ME" when he is repeatedly attacked with a bubble blaster. Now consider the later New Super Mario Bros Wii LP where almost all of them at some point will be crying out "NO BUBBLE UP, BUBBLE UP!".
- During their LP of Wii Sports Resort, Maxwell and Ferr mention how they wish Nintendo would make a sequel to Pilotwings. Five months after that video, not only is a sequel announced, but its setting is the same one as the game they were playing when they talked about it.
- Ho Yay: Given a VERY healthy boost between Maxwell and pipes! several times. Once during the Oblivion Let's Play as described by Ferr.
Ferr: For those of you listening at home, pipes! just put his hand on Maxwell's thigh, moved closer and rubbed it upwards while saying "nervous?".
- And again during the Kirby Super Star LP when they have Kirby and his Helper CONTINUOUSLY make out with each other (which in the game is a way of restoring each other's health).
Maxwell: It's his hot body.
- Then there was pipes! feeding Maxwell an ice cream sandwich during the Resident Evil 4 Let's Play. Later referenced during the Bomberman LP.
- And then during the Master Quest LP while in the Forest Temple:
Maxwell: Is there any fire anywhere in this room?
pipes!: my heart.
Ferr: (simultaneously) my pants. (laughter from all four)
pipes!: Wow. Insight into relationship dynamic.
- Played around with between Ferr and pipes! during the Master Quest (at 4:20) LP when at one point Ferr mentions how he was saying goodbye to his mother once, and pipes! joked to her that him and Ferr were actually a couple. Later that night Ferr's mother asked if they were serious.
- It's brought up again another dungeon later (at 15:32) during an odd discussion about pizza.
pipes!: I feel like we're married.
Evek: When you were driving over here, were you telling him where to go?
pipes!: No.
Ferr: Don't say that too loud, my mom'll hear it.
pipes!: I'm gonna make an honest man of your son...Mrs. Ferr. I'm an excellent provider.
Maxwell: That's a lie. You're an artist, you have no money.
pipes!: Shuddup.
- The Seaman LP didn't help much when they talked a bit about how they were raising a child together.
- Hugely implicated by all of their ustream fans during one of the Bomberman matches.
pipes!: I have a question for ustream! Why are all of these questions
- Incredibly Lame Pun: In the first vid of the Crysis LP, Diabetus gave us this little gem:
Diabetus: I think vampires get upset when they go to download sites, and have to use mirrors.
- Most Annoying Sound: Just try to make it through the entirety of the F-Zero LP without wanting to strangle Evek for laughing at every...little...thing.
- The overly long whale "joke" at the end of the Seaman LP.
- Most Wonderful Sound: Maxwell's voice, particularly during quieter/calmer LP series such as Seaman or the early stages of Elebits.
- Replacement Scrappy: Some people are disappointed with people like Selic, Ashley and Irregular Hunter being in the group in place of pipes! and Ferr in recent days.
- So Bad It's Good: The Astronauts' attempt to add voice acting to Ninja Gaiden 2 is loaded with intentional cheesy goodness... until Jaquio shows up.
- Also the singing in Karaoke Revolution, with the most notable being the wondrous rendition of "When a Man Loves a Woman" by pipes!.
- Squick:
- This fanart. Also very commonly created in their comments.
- Part 12 of the TP playthrough ends with Diabetus recounting two lovely stories about girls that got their faces mutilated; the first had her face eaten by her black lab while she was conked from pills, and the second got a machine caught on her face.
- Pipes is surprisingly apt at squicking the other astronauts. In episode 7 of their Master Quest LP, Pipes succinctly describes "tossing a dwarf salad" as probably being like licking the inside of a vacuum cleaner, causing the other astronauts to simultaneously laugh and groan in disgust for about half a minute.
- Tear Jerker: For some, there is one from them. Maxwell's beautifully heartrending video combining the final stage of Majora's Mask with Viimesen Kerran by Loituma.