Fred the Monkey
Speaking of frivolous lawsuits, some people have been claiming that we use subliminal messages here at Fred The *swirly screen saying, "You Love Fred The appears* But that's nonsense. Everyone LOVES Fred The, so we don't need such clever marketing ploys!
—Fred The Monkey
Fred The Monkey is a Web Animation based loosely off of Homestar Runner by JKR. (Not that one.) It centers around the title character, Fred the Monkey who Flanderized from The Fool to a Jerkass to someone who's just plain lazy, and Sceb, a semi-evil Space Chicken who once in a blue moon checks his mail.
Other characters include:
- Cloe, an anime-obsessed The Chick and a Genius Ditz, who seems unaware that she brings Sceb down to a nervous wreck.
- Space Chicken (Sceb's brother), resident OCD workaholic who runs the site as a whole. Played as the Straight Man against all the idiocy around him.
- Mr. Deutsch, a partially insane teacher who puts food on the table and loves mathematics with a passion.
- The Fish brothers, Cadberry and Nigel, the former being an annoying know-it-all and the latter actually having good ideas.
- BDBB, the very lazy music director who likes to quote Monty Python.
- Mitch, who shows up once in a while to make a point or to be probed by aliens.
- Clydex. He's a platypus.
A particular part of the website involves Sceb answering questions without, you know, actually answering them.
Some of the cartoons include Easter Eggs, accessible by clicking on something at the end.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Word of jesus (BDDB) says that Clydex says stuff other than "I'm a playtapus" but doesn't because he's too shy.
- Catch Phrase: "I'm a platypus", "What the biscuit", "Eee? Pah!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: Fred on occasion, but Sceb tends to have flashbacks more often.
- Easter Egg
- Extreme Omnivore: Fred, natch.
- Flanderization
- Fourth Wall Mail Slot
- Grammar Nazi: Sceb, who even showed grammatical corrections in an Easter Egg one time.
- No Fourth Wall
- Paper-Thin Disguise: Fred in the most recent re-launch.
- Schedule Slip: Particularly Sceb's fan-mail segment.
- Talking to Himself: JKR does all the voices except arguably the music director.
- Unusual Euphemism: "Biscuit." Kind of a catch-all that Sceb picked at random after being prompted to in one of his emails.
- Too Dumb to Live: Mostly in Fred's eating habits...wood glue, a raw turkey, and even pig's blood.
- Vague Age: Given how many members of the cast are animals, age doesn't come up very often.