< Freakazoid!
- Nightmare Fuel: Emmitt Nervend.
- Non Sequitur Scene: In a show this nutty, there's bound to be some. Most notably, a Manatee Gag cutting to some live-action Stock Footage.
- One episode ended with a video of a man wrestling with a bear for no reason, other than that the narrator in the prologue said it would.
- Crazy Awesome: Freakazoid.
- Cult Classic
- Discredited Meme: Candle Jack is discredited now.
- Ear Worm: Where did he go, that Invisibo...
- Hunt hunt hunt, he's The Huntsman!
- The theme song, of course.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: The great Sergeant Mike Cosgrove's underplaying everything is as funny (if not more) than Large Ham Freakazoid.
- Funny Aneurysm Moment: Given that it ultimately turned out to be Too Good to Last due to low ratings, the end of the theme song can definitely be seen as this.
- Funny Moments: Has its own page.
- Harsher in Hindsight: Part of the theme of the two-season show is 'Stay tuned to this station/ If not we'll be unemployed'...
- One episode has Freakazoid boasting about getting a second season, to which Roddy replies, "You can't count on that! Networks are fickle, they can drop you like a man with big oak fingers!"
- Memetic Badass: Cosgrove is arguably one in-universe. He can stop any hoodlum by pointing at them and saying "Hey! Cut it out." He even got the Warner Brothers to settle down in a comic crossover with Animaniacs, which was recognized as no small feat.
- Memetic Mutation: Candle Jack.
- "Hey. Cut it out."
- "Laugh with me, Jocko!"
- Misaimed Marketing: The network promised to deliver the 2-11 demographic to advertisers. It flopped with them, but did well with the 18-34 demographic. Attempts to suggest to The WB to market it as such were completely ignored and the show was canceled as a result.
- Moment of Awesome: Has its own page.
- MST3K Mantra: "Just keep telling yourself: it's only a TV show."
- Retroactive Recognition: Roddy McStew later became the host of The Late Late Show, while Cosgrove retired and flew away in his house.
- Special Effect Failure: Parodied in Tomb of Invisibo: Invisibo's magic scepter is obviously held in the air with strings. They manage to shame the network into giving them enough money to do it right in the middle of the show.
- Too Good to Last: Much.
- Unfortunate Implications: Longhorn was, apparently, "so pursued by police that he had a doctor turn him into a steer." There's a difference between a steer and a bull... actually, two differences.
- Weird Al Effect: Roddy MacStew.
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