Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

A death fight...between two beasts!
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man is a Universal Horror movie from 1943. It is a sequel for both The Wolf Man and The Ghost of Frankenstein and it is Universal's first Monster Mash film.
Four years after his death in The Wolf Man, Larry Talbot (Lon Chaney Jr.) is awakened from his slumber when two vagrants attempt to rob his grave. After instantly transforming into a Wolf Man and killing one of the robbers, he finds himself in Cardiff (the capital of Wales).
After his warnings of his lycanthropy is ignored, he escapes and starts searching for the Gypsy-woman Maleva (Maria Ouspenskaya), in hopes that she'll know how to kill him permanently. The two set out to Vasaria, where, according to Maleva, a certain Dr. Frankenstein lives.
After reaching the place and finding out that Dr. Ludwig Frankenstein is dead and his place is in ruins (as seen in the end of The Ghost of Frankenstein), they attempt to continue, when Larry transforms yet again and in the next morning wakes up in the basement of the ruins. There he finds the Frankenstein's Monster (Bela Lugosi) trapped in a block of ice.
Enter Dr. Mannering (Patric Knowles) from Cardiff and the original Dr. Frankenstein's granddaughter, Elsa (Ilona Massey), and the clash between the monsters is about to begin...
Next up, Dracula joins the party in House of Frankenstein.
- Arc Words: "Even a man who is pure in heart..." poem is repeated yet again.
- Attack of the Town Festival: All the deadly doin's in Frankenstein's ruins take place during "the Festival of the New Wine."
- Back from the Dead: Larry in the opening.
- Beauty Mark: Elsa and the Monster (!) both have one.
- Behind the Black
- Big Dam Plot
- Breaking the Bonds
- Cassandra Truth: Dr. Mannering and Inspector Owen disregard Larry's warnings of his werewolf tendencies as ravings of a madman.
- Cool vs. Awesome: It's all there in the name.
- Crossover
- Death Seeker: Larry.
- Diary: Dr. Frankenstein's journal appears once again.
- Evasive Fight Thread Episode: The two monsters fight at the end with no winner.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Guess which two Universal monsters meet up in this movie.
- For Science!: The reason why everything goes south by the end.
- Grave Robbing: It's fatal.
- Hollywood Darkness
- Human Popsicle: How the Monster is found.
- Impromptu Tracheotomy
- Infant Immortality: Averted, as one of Larry's victims is a little girl in Vasaria.
- Kill It with Water: In the end one of the townsfolk blows up the dam near Ludwig Frankenstein's sanitarium to kill the Monster.
- Mark of the Beast
- The Other Darrin: Bela Lugosi replaces Lon Chaney, Jr. as the Monster. In addition, Elsa Frankenstein from The Ghost of Frankenstein, is played by a different actress.
- Reverse Polarity: The key to destroying the Monster.
- Screaming Woman
- Strapped to An Operating Table
- Suspiciously Apropos Music: "Come one and all and sing this song... For Life is short and Death is long..."
- Torches and Pitchforks: Averted, as the townsfolk sit out this film's climax and only one of them takes action.
- Transformation Sequence
- Travel Montage: Shown when Larry travels to Vasaria with Maleva.
- Überwald
- Versus Title
- Zombie Gait: This film is the Trope Codifier for the stretched-arms walk for the Frankenstein's Monster.