< Fragile Speedster
Fragile Speedster/Playing With
Basic Trope: A character who's speedy but frail.
- Straight: Lila can move fast, but lacks resistance and has only average strength.
- Exaggerated: Lila moves in a blur, but can barely even put a scratch on her enemies or run into any solid object, and goes down after one hit.
- Justified:
- In order to gain Super Speed, Lila must use the lightest equipment possible. Any extra weaponry or armor will decrease her speed significantly.
- In a World where Armor Is Useless, the first good hit that lands determines victory and defeat. Fighters ignore offensive or defensive strength in favour of being able to land that hit before the enemy or avoid it.
- Lila is Token Mini-Moe of the group. Her little body can't withstand a powerful attack, no matter how hard she trains. And since the group want her to stay out of combat as much as possible, her training is focused on speed.
- Inverted:
- Subverted: Lila seems like this at first, but it turns out she can pull off some pretty devastating attacks.
- Double Subverted: She still can't take hits though.
- Parodied: When Lila moves, everything else seems to be stopped in place. Then she trips and goes down. Hard.
- Deconstructed:
- Moving at Super Speed is quite a burden for Lila's fragile body. She often suffers serious injury even if she never gets hit.
- When Lila fights Drake, he finds some way to slow her down, then promptly finishes her off.
- Reconstructed:
- On the bright side, Lila realizes her speed causes her attacks to be just as powerful as the Mighty Glacier. Which lessens the amount of time she has to use Super Speed.
- Lila moves so fast that Drake doesn't even have time to use his slowing method on her.
- Zig Zagged:
- Lila encounters a lot of speed-canceling powers or traps, but is okay most of the time.
- Lila is a klutz.
- Averted: Lila has average speed, strength and defense.
- Enforced: "Lila's supposed to be the fastest on the team, but we need Competitive Balance."
- Lampshaded: "How can we hit someone who moves so quickly?"
- Invoked: Lila is a Lovable Coward, and focused on speed at the cost of attack power and defence, so she can run from any fight she couldn’t win.
- Defied: After getting her ass handed to her in a fight, Lila puts herself through Training from Hell and becomes a Lightning Bruiser.
- Discussed: "All the world will be your enemy, O Prince with a Thousand Enemies. And if they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you."
- Conversed: “You would think that being able to run that fast would also make her tough a brick and twice as hard-hitting, but apparently not.
- Played For Laughs: Frustrated by her futile attempts to hurt Drake despite her speed, Lila vents by doodling all over his armour faster then he can blink.
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