< Fraggle Rock

Fraggle Rock/Tear Jerker

  • Several instances, but "Marooned," "Gone, but not Forgotten," and "Change of Address" (the final episode) especially.
    • The latter is one giant case from beginning to end. You'll likely be reduced to mush long before, but Sprocket's whimpering at Doc's words (and Doc's words themselves) that they'll never see Gobo again is the definite breaking point. Of course, mere moments later they * do* see Gobo but it doesn't make the emotional impact any less. And dear God, the whole "Magic Be With You"' segment with the tunnel will break you up to and including the very end of the credits.
      • The song "Goodbye": "Goodbye, goodbye, every eye is dry. Leaving? There's no grieving just a rainbow in the sky. Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye."
    • The episode "Gone But Not Forgotten". That is all.
    • "Mokey's Funeral" manages to evoke this even when we know from the beginning that Mokey's actually okay.

Red: It couldn't be Mokey. She's my best friend.
Gobo: No, it was her, I'm sure of it.
Red: But you don't understand. She's my BEST FRIEND!!!

    • There's an early episode where Gobo is off on some adventure or other overnight, leaving his roommate Wembly alone for (presumably) the first time. The song Wembly sings will haunt you forever.
    • If "The River of Life" doesn't make you sniffle at least once, you have no heart. Boober stands at the hole to Outer Space, begging the Silly Creatures to stop poisoning the caves, asking if the Fraggles or Gorgs have done anything to upset them. What Boober doesn't know is that Doc and Sprocket are out at the moment, and he's speaking to an empty, uncaring room - except for us.
    • Outside of the series, one line uttered in an interview Gerry Parkes gave after the end: "I miss my Sprocket."
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