< Fourth Age Total War

Fourth Age Total War/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Version 3.0 including Elves, Dwarves and Dale as factions as well as unlocking the rest of Middle-earth. Fans were hoping for a Hobbit faction but it has been implied they will have units under the Reunited Kingdom since the Shire is under their protection.
  • Badass Decay: The Reunited Kingdom has undergone an extreme version of this. It lost Umbar and the surrounding regions to a Corsair invasion, Harondor declared independance, the pulling of troops from the north provinces to defend the southern areas allowed Dunland to take over several regions including Orthanc, not only that but half of the remaining Kingdom then split off, leaving the Reunited Kingdom back where it was during the war of the ring. Of course if you play as them you can take a level in badass and restore them to their former glory
    • They also have some of the best units in the game, making them one of the easier factions to play.
  • Magnificent Bastard: Heurmor is this, his plotting and manipulations is what started this all off.
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