Fourteen (manga)
Fourteen is a scif-fi horror manga series by Kazuo Umezu. The manga takes place in a dystopic future, where a lump of chicken flesh from a chicken meat-growing factory transforms into a supermutant chicken man named "Chicken George". He goes on a mission to take revenge on humanity for ruining the planet.
Tropes used in Fourteen (manga) include:
- Apocalypse How: A class 6 threatens the Earth.
- Creepy Child: In Dr. Chicken George's lab in Japan, a few can be found. They're copies of grandmaster Rose.
- Decompressed Comic: Oh yes. Things that usually would have taken one panel to show are frequently stretched out over four or more, sometimes an entire page.
- Doorstopper: The series is over 4,000 pages long.
- Dystopia
- Evil Chancellor: Vice president Gorman of the USA.
- Green Aesop
- Humans Are the Real Monsters: How Chicken George regards mankind.
- It Makes Sense in Context: The plot doesn't seem quite as weird to someone who has read the manga.
- Large Ham: President Young of the USA.
- Mad Scientist: Chicken George.
- Mad Scientist Laboratory: Chicken George has one; it's a textbook example of this trope.
- No New Fashions in the Future: People's everyday clothing look just like when the comic was made.
- People Jars: The "commodities" are made in these.
- Petting Zoo People: Chicken George.
- That Makes Me Feel Angry: Chicken Lucy often tells people what she's feeling. You'd expect this to be a justified example, what with chickens not having many facial expressions and all, but often she doesn't say it with the spirit you'd expect.
- What Measure Is a Humanoid?: Nobody cares about what happens to the "commodities".
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