< Four-Temperament Ensemble

Four-Temperament Ensemble/Web Original

Examples of Four-Temperament Ensemble in Web Original include:

  • In the core group of Tales of MU, Mack is melancholic, Amaranth is sanguine, Steff is choleric, and Two is supine.
    • And Ian and Dee are both strong candidates for phlegmatic.
  • The two teams in Red vs. Blue fit, Red moreso than Blue.
    • Red Team: Sarge - classic Choleric, Griff and Lopez - classic Plegmatic, Simmons - Melancholic, and Donut - Sanguine
    • Blue Team: Church and Tex - Choleric, Tucker - Sanguine, Doc - Melancholic, and Caboose - neutral Phlegmatic, despite being a complete The Ditz.
  • The four main characters of the Web Animation series Broken Saints fit fairly well: Oran is Choleric, Kamimura is Melancholic, Raimi is Phlegmatic, and Shandala is Sanguine. (albeit, Shandala doesn't quite fit any of them, but her bright, cheerful, and compassionate nature recommend her most to Sanguine)
  • An entire episode of the webseries Cracked After Hours is devoted to discussing how many famous groups of four adhere to this schema, even describing several groups already listed on this page (though it's worth noting that they have misattributed the sanguine qualities to choleric characters, and vice versa). As they are also a quartet, they even describe themselves (indirectly, through analogy to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).
    • By their definition: Michael is Choleric, Dan is Phlegmatic, Soren is Melancholic, and Katie is Sanguine.
    • By our definition: Michael is Sanguine, Dan is Melancholic, Soren is Choleric, and Katie is Phlegmatic.

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