< Four-Temperament Ensemble

Four-Temperament Ensemble/Video Games

Examples of Four-Temperament Ensemble in Video Games include:

  • Gears of War's Delta Squad are like that: Marcus Fenix is choleric, Dominic Santiago is phlegmatic, Augustus Cole is sanguine, and Damon Baird is melancholic.
  • Mass Effect 2 has the starting four. Shepard is choleric, Miranda is melancholic, Jacob is phlegmatic and Joker is sanguine.
    • Mass Effect and Mass Effect 3 squads are often comprised this way; Shepard is choleric, Liara is phlegmatic, Garrus is melancholic and Tali is supine. Likewise, Ashley is sanguine and Kaiden is phlegmatic II.
  • The four playable characters of Drakengard, though at times they muddle about with their humors, tend to fall into distinct ones. Arioch is sanguine, Caim is choleric, Leonard is melancholic, and Seere is phlegmatic.
    • The Alternate Continuity sequel Nie R features has something of this as well. Nier is choleric, Kaine is sanguine, Grimoire Weisse is phlegmatic and Emil is melancholic.
  • Intentionally invoked in Planescape: Torment. In the end game, you meet up with three copies of yourself, who are the good incarnation (melancholic), crazy incarnation (sanguine) and pragmatic incarnation (choleric). The character of the protagonist depends on how you've been playing him, but he does start out as phlegmatic.
  • The Beauty and the Beast unit in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots applies: Laughing Octopus is sanguine, Raging Raven is choleric, Crying Wolf is melancholic and Screaming Mantis is phlegmatic.
  • The ATX Team in Super Robot Wars. At first the lineup is Sanger the Choleric, Kyosuke the Phlegmatic, Excellen the Sanguine, Bullet the Melancholic. Later, Kusuha was drafted into the team as the Supine. Later on, Sanger leaves, and Kyosuke takes on the Choleric mantle, and when Lamia enters, she takes on the Phlegmatic mantle.
  • Mega Man Battle Network: Yai/Roll.EXE=Sanguine, Lan/Gutsman.EXE=Choleric, Maylu/Glyde.EXE=Melancholic and Dex/Megaman.EXE=Phlegmatic.
    • The NetNavis don't have the same personalities as their human partners, but they (the NetNavis) are not supposed to.
  • And later on, Yai is Sanguine, Lan is Phlegmatic, Mayl is Supine, Dex is Choleric and Chaud is Melancholic.
  • The four spirits of the Book of Prophecy in Avalon Code can be identified as this: Rempo is choleric, Mieli is sanguine, Neaki is phelgmatic, and Ur is melancholic.
  • Count Bleck's Five-Bad Band in Super Paper Mario: O'Chunks is choleric, Dimentio is sanguine, Nastasia is melancholic and Mimi is supine (with a good dose of Ax Crazy).
  • The four Clone Commandos of Delta Squad are this. Delta-38, "Boss", is choleric, showing good leadership instincts. Delta-40, "Fixer", is phlegmatic, being, as Taun We put it, "A pure and uncomplicated soldier." Delta-62, "Scorch", is blood, showing much enjoyment in blowing the CIS forces apart. Delta-07, "Sev", is melancholic, being the Cold Sniper of the group and showing great care to place each round for maximum effenciency.
  • Both Left 4 Dead and its sequel star a four-man (or, technically, three-man and one-woman) band. In the first, Bill is melancholic, Francis is choleric, Louis is sanguine, and Zoey is phlegmatic. In the second, Nick, Coach, Ellis, and Rochelle for the most part fill those roles respectively, though Ellis is the most clean-cut/consistent.
  • Suikoden III has three groups. The main characters, Thomas is melancholic, Hugo is sanguine, Chris is choleric and Geddoe is phlegm. Duke's group, Duke is choleric, Elaine is sanguine, Nicholas is melancholic and Gau is phlegm. Luc's group, Luc is melancholic, Yuber is sanguine, Sara is supine and Albert is phlegm.
  • The Group from The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess exhibits this. Telma is Sanguine, Auru is Choleric, Shad is Melancholic, and Ashei is Phlegmatic.
  • Fate/stay night has Shirou/Saber (melancholic), Rin/Archer (choleric), Sakura (supine), and Rider (phlegmatic).
  • Tsukihime has Shiki/Arcuied (sanguine), Ciel/Kohaku (sanguine facade but actually melancholic), Akiha (choleric), and Hisui (supine).
  • Poker Night At the Inventory uses this to balance the table dynamic - Max is sanguine, Strong Bad choleric, Heavy melancholic and Tycho phlegmatic.
  • Due to the author being interested with the subject, MARDEK RPG does this. The author believes everyone has a primary and a secondary temperament, though. Perhaps the clearest ingame example is Legion: a construct created by an inventor. It was animated with dark magic, with the inventor saying the incantation - due to his stuttering, though, four souls entered the body instead of one - one for each temperament.
  • The crew in Saints Row 2 match up with this perfectly:
    • The Boss, regardless of the voice you use, is very choleric, and tends to explode when questioned or fucked with.
    • Johnny Gat is sanguine - he's happy when he's killing people or going to kill people.
    • Pierce is Melancholic, and humour involving him tends to make fun of his elaborate plans and high professional standards clashing with the extreme personalities of the rest of the group.
    • Shaundi is very, very Phlegmatic, what with being an archetypical laidback stoner.
    • Carlos is a mild Supine.
  • While in Saints Row 3, the group shift in some unusual ways:
    • Shaundi shifts radically from phlegmatic to choleric, running on pure anger from start to finish.
    • Pierce has become significantly more sanguine, a happy-go-lucky gladhander.
    • Newcomer Oleg has some strong phlegmatic elements, but is mostly melancholic, becoming the key planner and thinker of the group.
    • Which, oddly enough, leaves The Boss as the phlegmatic one; unlike in Saints Row 2, The Boss spends much more of the game haplessly reacting to the wild fortunes of fate thrown around him or her.
  • In Blaze Union, the first five party members: Garlot is choleric, Siskier is sanguine, Jenon is melancholic, Medoute is phlegmatic, and Aegina is supine.
    • And after the party dynamics suffer an upheaval, things shake down like so: Gulcasa and Leon are choleric, Emilia is sanguine, Nessiah is melancholic, Baldus is phlegmatic, and Aegina is... still supine.
  • The Colour Tuesday: Alex, the hotheaded driver of the story, is choleric. The determined and selfless Kyle is Melancholic. Bella is a slightly airy Cloudcuckoolander; she's Sanguine. Chadd, the last permanent cast member, is a born follower, and is phlegmatic.
  • Street Fighter II: The four members of Shadaloo. M. Bison is phlegmatic, Sagat is melancholic, Balrog is choleric, and Vega is sanguine.
  • Catherine, in terms of Vincent and his three bros that he hangs out with at the Stray Sheep. Toby is sanguine, Orlando is choleric, Jonny is melancholic, and Vincent is phlegmatic.
  • Judging by their programmed natures, the Pac-Man ghosts: Blinky is sanguine (always chases); Pinky is choleric (chases and ambushes); Inky is melancholic (cautious); Clyde is phlegmatic (indifferent and random).
  • Nazi Zombies: Richtofen is sanguine, Tank is choleric, Takeo is melancholic, and Nikolai is phlegmatic.
  • The female leads of the visual novel G Senjou no Maou are a picture-perfect example: Tsubaki is phlegmatic, Kanon is sanguine, Mizuha is melancholic, and Haru is choleric.
  • The playable characters of Kirby's Return to Dream Land. Kirby is sanguine, King Dedede is choleric, Meta Knight is melancholic, and Bandana Dee is phlegmatic.
  • While the Ace Attorney series prefers using duos or trios, the investigation team from case 3-5 fits perfectly: Gumshoe is sanguine, Franziska is choleric, Edgeworth is melancholic and Godot is phlegmatic.

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