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  • The third story arc "Mosaic" is filled with these, generally mixed in with Crowning Moments Of Awesome. Among them are Mal expying Captain Hammer and Jayne pulling a Dan McNinja by setting himself on fire and chasing down the enemy pirate crew's Knife Nut. There's also Mal's reaction to River getting drunk and having a lesbian moment with another girl, and River's constant berating of Mal for not getting her any chocolate.
    • Oh no, you aren't mentioning "Mosaic" without including the glorious Team Fortress 2 Shout-Out.

"MY BLOOD!" someone was crying. "She punched out ALL my blood!"

    • River's response to Mal telling Simon she was cow tipping.

""They make funny sounds when they fall over," she called back. "'Moooooo,' wumph." She made a gesture with her hands, pantomiming the act of bovine collapse to illustrate her point.

  • The "Adrift" story arc features, among other things, Serenity's engines being described as "the prettiest fart I've ever seen," and Big Damn Cake.
  • No mention of Echo's real name being John, and his number being 117? Yes, John-117.
  • "Third Interlude" has a bunch, though one of the standouts is an observation by Simon:

""Tyen-sah duh ching-wah tsao duh shee-niou huh choo-shung tza-jiao duh tzang-huo!"
The air was also filled with curse words. They didn't make a whole lot of sense, or maybe the people the Captain was yelling at were supposed to be open-minded by enjoying fornication with both livestock and amphibians.
Or maybe Mal was just so angry he was getting shot at over a box of puppies that he stopped caring about his curses being comprehensible.

  • The entire "voice-recording" scene in the "Charity" arc.
  • Inara's distraction of the authorities in "Condor."
  • The epic expansion of the geese juggling gag in "Silver."
  • Wash's assessment of the Hands of Blue.

"So, they're like zombies," Wash said, nodding. "Power armored government zombies. Shiny."

  • River catalogues her injuries after a particularly brutal fight against some pirates, ending with her sunburn.
    • Pretty much all of River's mental snark during the Fourth Interlude.
  • Nearly any scene involving River and Jayne, when it isn't a heartwarmer or High Octane Nightmare Fuel. Like the scene in "Silver" where River annoys Jayne into letting her climb up onto his back so she can see what the rest of the crew are oogling, or the "You. Me. Shower." line in "Charity."

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