< Fortune Summoners

Fortune Summoners/YMMV

  • Demonic Spiders:
    • Mothbees and their Palette Swaps, since they can fly, can attack you from afar with their stinger shots, their stingers sometimes poison you, AND they can spread sleep powder when flying, which leaves you extremely vulnerable. Also, Harpies for their ability to confuse. If Arche gets confused, prepare to reload.
    • Ghost Wizards. These guys often come in pairs, can heal themselves and other monsters (including each other), and can dodge by becoming intangible; they tend to fly just outside of your sword's reach, and can get through the walls. They even pack a virtually-undodgeable spell that does quite a bit of damage, and can be cast from inside the wall on top of that.
  • Goddamned Bats:
    • Bats, coincidentally. Or, for that matter, monsters that can fly, since they tend to be fast and hard to hit for Arche, since she's a melee-focused character.
    • Those god damn acorn chucking squirrel things. If you're alone and outnumbered, it's possible to just keep getting kicked on both sides til ya die. Which they really love to do.
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