Fortune & Romance
Fortune & Romance is a Machinomic made with The Sims 2. It is a prequel to the game's storyline, focusing on the lives of the premade Maxis sisters Dina and Nina Caliente.
The story can be found here.
Tropes used in Fortune & Romance include:
- Ambiguously Evil: There are many hints to Olive's reputation, but it's never outright confirmed and Dina and Nina are completely unaware, viewing her as a maternal mentor figure.
- Author Appeal: The author admits that the story makes her come off as a robot fetishist.
- The Cassandra: Cassandra Goth herself.
- Chekhov's Gag: Servo staring at Nina's butt in Chapter 3.
- Chekhov's Gun: Remember Bella's secret cowplant from Chapter 5? As of chapter 10, it becomes a possible murder weapon.
- Cute Bruiser: Nina
- Darkskinned Blonde: Dina
- Dark-Skinned Redhead: Nina
- Dead Guy, Junior: Kaylynn Langerak
- Different As Night and Day: Nina [redhead] and Dina [blonde] are fraternal twin sisters and complete opposites. Nina is shy, energetic, neat and serious, while Dina is outgoing, lazy, sloppy and playful.
- Disposable Fiance: Ocean is vain, condescending, insensitive, and inappropriate, but he averts expectations by being neither jealous or unfaithful. The method of disposal in this case ends up being quite a spectacle.
- Doomed by Canon: We all know what happens to Bella several years later, not to mention the Tricou family and Rainelle.
- Entertainingly Wrong: Mortimer picks up on all the clues to Dina's alien background to the point of figuring out she's a green supernatural creature who accidentally caused Mr. Big's disappearance, yet he still comes up with an entirely wrong conclusion.
- Fantastic Racism: Dina and Nina get a lot of grief for their alien heritage. Brigit is shown to hate anyone even remotely non-human.
- Foils:
- Nina and Dina
- Michael and Mr. Big
- Michael and Mortimer
- Don and Servo
- Foreshadowing:
- Michael and Dina's first conversation involves him pointing out that the heroine in a romantic comedy usually chooses love over money in the end.
- In Chapter 3, Bella jokes about someone "dropping dead on the dance floor" and a "banshee foreshadowing someone's death". Guess how the chapter ends?
- Fiery Redhead: To some extent Nina, although she is shy rather than outspoken. She makes up for it with her right hook.
- Funny Background Event: Often.
- Glurge Addict: Circe Salamis
- Gold Digger: Dina, though she's a nice one.
- Hidden Depths: Don, who is set up in canon as a typical Casanova, is shown to be very bright with a secret nerdy side.
- Ho Yay: Mike and Mortimer's contentiousness could be read this way. Dina actually assumes they're a couple when she first meets them. And for that matter, Mortimer calling Servo "beautiful".
- A Lady on Each Arm: The journal header features Servo like this.
- Les Yay: Dina's admiration for Bella Goth could definitely be seen as this (she even has a notice board full of Bella's photos in her room!) Bella, however, seems to be more interested in Nina. There's a bit between Dina and Brigit as well, with Foe Yay mixed in.
- Loveable Rogue: Dina is manipulative and prone to stretching the truth and skirting the law, but she makes up for it by being compassionate and free of malice.
- Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane: There are moments in the story that are clearly a result of magic, however there are also times where it is left ambigious as to whether or not something has a supernatural explanation.
- Mysterious Past: Servo
- Nice Guy: Both Michael and Servo.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: Brigit the maid
- Robosexual: Nina seduces Servo, and it later becomes apparent that was not his first time. The mechanics are not explained, but it's implied they had a very good time.
- Running Gag: Brigit repeatedly running away from things is quite literally this.
- Shout-Out: tons to The Sims 1.
- Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Michael and Servo are kind and attentive, especially in comparison to some of the other guys.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: See the "Different As Night And Day" entry.
- Spicy Latina: Discussed. Dina is decidedly not spicy.
- Title Drop: Chapter 3 - "And after that we headed to Sim City in search of fortune and romance...”
- Wacky Marriage Proposal: Ocean proposes during a funeral, right next to the open coffin.
- Woman in White: The Mysterious Woman from Servo's past, the first Kaylynn Langerak.
- Your Cheating Heart: Averted with Ocean.
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