For Your People, by Your People

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    Stock Phrase in Marketing, such as "For Kids, By Kids!".

    See also Viewers Like You.

    Examples of For Your People, by Your People include:
    • FUBU-- "Urban" clothing company, stands for "For Us, By Us."
    • Abraham Lincoln's famous Gettysburg Address contains the phrase: "a government of the people, by the people, for the people". Quite possibly the only other part of the speech most people remember other than "Fourscore and seven years ago...", and making this one Older Than Radio.
    • Futurama has the variation "By a robot, for a robot".
    • Mentioned in a host segment in the The Day the Earth Froze episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000. The crew is wondering exactly what a Sampo is when Joel suggests, "Sampo: a progressive new corporation with an eye towards the future! Sampo is a company for people, by people!"
    • TV Tropes: By fans, for fans.
      • The TV Tropes webseries Echo Chamber states in its credit roll that it is "Created for Tropers, by Tropers."
    • One American Anime convention described itself as "By fans, for fans".
    • Variant (though more often by fans than by advertisers) in "for X, by X, and about X."
    • Used in The Simpsons, where some executives try to convince Lisa that their exploitation of schoolchildren to gather statistical data for toys is justified because the products are made by children, for children, with all the profits going to children. Since we're all somebody's children.
    • Chef 2 is a Web site "for chefs by chefs", used to exchange job information, recipes, information on suppliers, and so on.
    • More than a few women's interest magazines advertise themselves as "For women, by women".
    • A recent Victoria's Secret commercial also used the phrase "Designed by a woman, for women".
    • Interplay - By gamers, for gamers. Redneck Rampage had the "gamers" crossed out and replaced by "REDNECKS"
    • Zoom: "By Kids, For Kids!"
    • The employment practices of various toy, clothing and sporting equipment companies have been mocked with the phrase "Made for children by children".
    • Kidsongs, a show with sing-alongs to kid-friendly fare like "We're Gonna Get Wet", had as its motto: "By kids, for kids, and starring kids!"
    • Girl Genius has Mechanicsburg Monster and Construct Credit Union -- "By monsters, for monsters".
    • Razer also describes itself as "For gamers, by gamers."
    • According to Critical Miss, the UI of Skyrim was "designed by, and for, crab people".
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