For Your Eyes Only (fanfic)

For Your Eyes Only was a popular Naruto (allegedly) multi-chapter shipfic - and not always popular in a good way.

It takes place in an alternate universe which resembles 21st-century Real Life Japan. While all of the adults are still human, all the students are hermaphroditic child-like beings with animal ears and tails. One day, Iruka was walking down the street when he comes across an abandoned catboy (who is also partially fox somehow). He decides to pick him up, take him home, and name him Naruto. And despite the fact that he is fully sapient, he's still treated like an animal. Still with us? Okay...

One day, Naruto complains about feeling sick. Iruka wants to take him to the vet, but decides to take him to a breeder instead because it's closer. Kakashi, a staff member at the breeding agency, determines that Naruto is in heat and whisks him off to the back room to find him a mate. Naruto is resisting, but his complaints fall on deaf ears. It doesn't take long before another catboy named Sasuke takes interest in him. Naruto, however, dislikes him. Nevertheless, they are immediately thrown into a room together to mate because they both belong to rare breeds and must be mated. From there, the story goes on about Naruto and Sasuke's relationship along with the relationships of all the other animal people at the breeding agency - as well as the people that work there.

This story is a Dead Fic, stopping at Chapter 18 on November 2008. It was eventually removed from sometime around 2014. The uncensored version still exists on the author's LiveJournal, but it is not as complete. Both versions are very much Not Safe for Work.

Not to be confused with a certain James Bond movie, nor its title song by Sheena Easton. If this was simply the Naruto characters trying to recover a spy ship, it would be a lot less horrifying. Compare Naruto Veangance Revelaitons, the other contender for worst Naruto fanfic. Be warned, this article is full of various types of Squick.

Tropes used in For Your Eyes Only (fanfic) include:
  • Aliens Made Them Do It: Naruto and Sasuke are pretty much forced into a sexual relationship by their human owners.
  • Alternate Universe Fic: It takes place in present-day Japan, with demi-human creatures that are kept as pets.
  • Artistic License: Biology: The entire fic is rife with nonsensical biology.
  • Author Appeal: Contains all the author's favorite ships, and bumps off Sakura, who the author doesn't like.
  • Author Filibuster: The author's notes at the end of each chapter, some of which are completely off-topic.
  • Baby Talk: Naruto speaks in a combination of this and You No Take Candle, to the point that he cannot correctly pronounce his own name.
  • Cute Kitten: Naruto and Sasuke are supposed to be these, but their behavior makes them disturbing instead.
  • Dead Fic: Stopped at Chapter 18 in November 2008 on before it was eventually removed.
  • Double Standard: Sasuke walks up to Naruto without even introducing himself, proceeds to give him a Forceful Kiss. This is seen as wonderful. But when Sakura so much as flirts with Sasuke, she's killed for it. This is seen as a minor inconvenience.
  • Endangered Species: Naruto and Sasuke belong to rare breeds.
  • Everybody Has Lots of Sex: Almost every single pairing gets at least one sex scene, even if it's offscreen. Kakashi and Iruka even make out in a later chapter.
  • Everyone Is Gay: Due to the indecisive biology of the demi-humans, let's put it this way: a good 99% of the cast is paired up with someone who uses the same gender pronouns.
  • Fan Service: Possibly the main point of this fic.
  • Gender Equals Breed: Even though they're supposed to be hermaphrodites, when Raccoon!Gaara impregnates Frog!Lee, the resulting tadpole is referred to as a girl while her raccoon twin is referred to as a boy.
  • Gorn: When Sasuke kills Sakura offscreen, the resulting gore is told in loving detail.
  • Gratuitous Japanese: To be fair, the author's spelling and usage is better than the average fangirl's.
  • Happiness in Slavery: All humanoid animals don't seem to mind being treated as animals despite having human intelligence.
  • Hermaphrodites: All the "pets," though the fic seems to forget this. A lot.
  • Idiot Ball:
    • Naruto. The author is trying to make him seem childish and innocent, but instead he comes off as having a mental disability or severe brain damage.
    • Iruka also seems to be affected at times, especially when he handed over Naruto to be bred despite Naruto's protests.
    • The mousegirl version of Hinata is apparently capable of sleeping through Neji having sex with her. This is possible though implausible in real life, even without the use of drugs. However, it's decidedly less plausible that she doesn't notice the lovingly-described mess all over the bed, as it's never mentioned that Neji cleaned it up before she woke. Then again, since she's still apparently a hermaphrodite at this stage, maybe she assumed it was hers.
  • Improbable Species Compatibility: Did we mention the frog and the raccoon having babies yet?
  • In Name Only: It's Pokegirls meets the Gor series with the disturbingly cutesy sex of Kit N Kay Boodle and the odd Shout-Out to Loveless. The Naruto names are just slapped on.
  • Informed Attribute: According to the author speaking via Sasuke and Kakashi, Sakura Really Gets Around, but the only time we see her onscreen she's calmly reading a book and rejects Naruto's advances. Allegedly Sasuke killed her for flirting with him, but even assuming he's telling the truth, flirting does not necessarily imply following through. We never see her point of view of her behaviour, as she doesn't get so much as a line of dialogue, and everyone promptly forgets she existed after she's killed.
  • Interspecies Romance: Not just interspecies, interCLASS romance!
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Iruka
  • Kissing Cousins: Hinata and Neji
  • Little Bit Beastly: All of the demi-humans except for Lee have animal ears and a tail.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters
  • Lolicon / Shotacon: Most of the characters in sexual relationships are teenagers.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Naruto is part cat, part human, and part fox. Sasuke is part cat, part human, and part wolf.
  • Mood Whiplash: Well, it never stops being creepy, but there's a violent change from the unintentionally-creepy attempts at fluff to a very abrupt Gorn sequence when Sasuke kills Sakura.
  • Odd Breed Out: All the other critters are at least mammalian, but Lee ended up as a frog.
  • Out of Character: Nobody acts like their canon counterparts.
  • Parental Abandonment: Naruto was orphaned when his parents disappeared one day.
  • Pair the Spares: Just about everyone in this fic is paired up with someone.
  • Really Gets Around: Sakura, for every male except Naruto. This is deemed sufficient reason to brutally murder her.
  • Retcon:
    • The fic can't seem to make up its mind about what gender anybody is. First it's explained that all of the furries are hermaphrodites, but then later they're suddenly treated as though they have genders and gender roles. Naruto himself keeps going back and forth between being "male" and "female."
    • It also can't seem to make up its mind about how these things breed. First it acts like the Seme MUST subdue and rape the Uke to "prove" that the seme is "strong enough" to protect the babies. Later, Sasuke explains that the reason Naruto didn't get pregnant the first time was because the sex wasn't consensual. But when they go at it a second time, Sasuke keeps going even after Naruto tells him to get off. THIS results in a pregnancy. ARRGH!
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: What the pets are meant to be.
  • Speech Impediment: Nyaruho talksh with a lishp.
  • Teen Pregnancy: Sasuke eventually manages to impregnate Naruto. Both of them are sixteen, though Naruto acts much younger.
  • Their First Time: Naruto and Sasuke are pretty much forced to do this when they are locked in together at the breeding clinic by Kakashi.
  • Third Person Person: Naruto
  • Victim Falls For Rapist: And how! Iruka and Kakashi's relationship is the only one of the four major pairings in the fic in which both are entirely consenting from the start.
  • Voodoo Shark: The increasingly surreal and unlikely attempts to explain how the hermaphrodites' biology works. According to the most detailed attempt, they're all born as externally male with a uterus connected to their rectum, and if they take the Uke role their penis later develops into a vagina and turns them into a "complete female", while the Semes lose the uterus and become "complete males".
  • WAFF: What the author is trying to accomplish.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Despite the fact that the humanoid animals think, act, and mostly look just like normal people, they are treated completely as livestock. The narration goes on as if this is perfectly okay and natural, and the only ones who have an inkling that something is wrong with this system refuse to do anything about it.
  • Wimpification: Up to Eleven with Naruto and Lee. Naruto is an Ingenue while Lee is practically an Extreme Doormat. Also done to a lesser extent to Iruka who comes off as naive and easily manipulated.
  • Yaoi Guys: Just about every single "male."
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