< Five-Token Band
Five-Token Band/Playing With
Basic Trope: Each member of the Five-Man Band has a different ethnicity.
- Straight: In the Five-Man Band, Bob is white, Jack is black, Velma uses a wheelchair, Tony is Hispanic, and Alice is Asian.
- Exaggerated:
- Bob is a Token Human, Jack is a Big Badass Wolf, Velma is a chicken, Tony is a Cool Horse, and Alice is a Catgirl.
- The series has Loads and Loads of Characters and every one of them is some kind of minority.
- No two same characters (including minor and villains) are of the same race or species.
- Downplayed: Bob and Susan are white, Jack and Velma are black, and Tony is Hispanic.
- Justified: The Five-Man Band is some sort of coalition for diversity.
- Inverted: Everyone in the group is one race.
- Subverted:
- Everyone in the group looks to be different races, but are all one race.
- A group of diverse individuals are seen together, but are actually strangers.
- Double Subverted:
- But each have friends that are ethnically diverse.
- But then they decide to become friends.
- Parodied: There is a scene where the characters specifically pick out diverse friends so they can teach kids about diversity, but they actually are racists.
- Zig Zagged: Each friend seems to be a different race, but then they are revealed to be wearing make up to look different, but then they find out that they are actually different races, but then they find out that that's not true...
- Averted: See "Inverted"
- Enforced: The producers want to appeal to a wide and diverse audience.
- Lampshaded: "Statistically, all five of us should be white, since we're from northern Minnesota."
- Invoked: Characters intentionally seek out ethnically diverse friends in order to be seen as open minded and tolerant.
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: Characters refuse to be friends with anybody not of their own race.
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
- Played For Laughs: ???
- Played For Drama: The group has to put up with racial and religious tensions (e.g. Israelis and Palestinians).
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