< First-Person Snapshooter

First-Person Snapshooter/Playing With

Basic Trope: Player character in a game can achieve something by photographing person, object, environment, or events.

  • Straight: Ayako, the main character of Shooting Superfolks game, make a living by photographing superheroes or supervillains in action and then sell the photos to the newspapers.
  • Exaggerated: Ayako owns a gossip newspaper that thrives on rumors and scandals of the supers.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted: The entire game is about Ayako avoiding being photographed.
  • Subverted: It seems that Ayako is photographing those supers, but it's just her preferred method of gaining power over the supers' very being. It actually can be done in many, many other ways.
  • Double Subverted: But Ayako still make a living photographing the supers. Profit!
  • Parodied: Absolutely anything in the game can be achieved by photographing something. Even fixing your computer.
  • Deconstructed: Ayako's life as an First-Person Snapshooter of the supers is very dangerous, what with all those collateral damages.
  • Reconstructed: But because of this, she's almost as much a legend as the supers themselves.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted: Photography exists in this game, but there's no achievement linked to it.
  • Enforced: "Our game is a massive Scenery Porn, so why not make a method for the players to enjoy it at their own pace?"
  • Lampshaded: "What are you, man? Peter Parker?"
  • Defied: A particularly Chessmaster-type supervillain, Lightbender, manipulates Ayako into getting the superheroes framed.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Played For Laughs: Ayako photographs the superheroes in their, umm...really embarassing moments.
  • Played For Drama:
    • Ayako need to find an evidence that Lightbender is really a high-ranking official, and she sets up all kind of traps to get the best photos. Mind-game ensued with Ayako's life on the line.
    • Ayako travels to Rajastan and ends up photographing war crimes as they take place. Failure to turn off the flash when doing so will alert the Rajastan Government Army of her presence, who will then shoot her.
  • Plot Foundation: Ayako is an Intrepid Reporter working with La RĂ©sistance to overthrow a dictatorship/conspiracy by exposing evidence of its crimes and atrocities.

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