< Firewind
The Following are the Original Characters that compete in Firewind. Links provided will take you to each Entrant's Reference Sheet.
Aeon Rosa
The angel/demon hybrid.
Alkarin Brooks.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Eyepatch of Power: Inverted in that, neither is Al a full-out Badass, nor does he have depth perception.
Bikuta R. Hayes.
- Power Glows: His symbols.
Blitz Darkfire
The quiet pet.
The arrogant angel.
- Shock and Awe: Her sword can shoot electricity.
Caleb Gem
The vampire servant.
Chi Darkfire
The rogue demon.
- Fiery Redhead: Also Hot-Blooded.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: Up to Eleven.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Her world going through World's End, which came as a massive war. However, that seems to be just the cherry topping of a very juicy cake.
- Healing Factor: Regeneration. Comes with immunity to disease.
- Karmic Trickster
- Living Lie Detector: And how.
- Playing with Fire: Along with Finger-Snap Lighter, Cold Flames and Kill It with Fire.
- Power Glows: Her body's covered with seven marks. Of course, since they were made by magic, they glow
- Our Demons Are Different: In case 'rogue' doesn't highlight this well enough, she's actually gone against the ways of Hell (among other things).
- Overdrawn At the Blood Bank: While wounds actually hurt her, she has some serious issues at actually running out of blood to spill.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old: She's 3122 years old and her next birthday is approaching.
- Shape Shifter: Shape, form and gender.
- The McCoy: Most of the time, she tries her best to do what's morally best at the time for others, no matter the long-term consequences.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: See Shape Shifter above.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Of the animal nature.
- The Corruption: Tag.
Cyl Tych
- Shapeshifting
Dawn Rose Cessa
- Power Glows: Her arm can produce electricity.
- Shock and Awe: See above.
The Deuce.
Elfi Klein
The oblivious demon.
- Breakout Character: Hands down, the one OC everyone involved in -and even people outside of- Firewind holds dear to themselves.
- Kill It with Fire: Here we have another fire breather.
Eugene Famon
Fergus Farrell
The galactic Hero wannabe.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: He's got a laser ray pistol. Surprising much?
GEWoD36Lx Ozzy
The genetic experiment.
- Breakout Character: Quite possibly the most loved of the Firewind fuzzies. Has the affetionate name 'Datbastard Ozzy'.
- Cheshire Cat Grin: If he frowns, you're in trouble. If he grins, it's okay to wet your pants.
Gin Hakushaku
Hayden Wilkins [dead link]
The ghost professor.
Jade Tarah
Kelv Orec
The fighter pilot.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: He too has his own laser beam pistol.
The ice wolf.
- An Ice Person: Except not quite a person.
Luda [dead link]
The mercenary.
- Combat Pragmatist
- Hired Guns: He was hired by Gin to help him find out why there was a portal on his lawn.
Minako Washimine
Oharue Naminé
The loudmouthed warrior.
- Achievements in Ignorance: She knows next to ab-so-lu-te-ly nothing about science!
- Chew Bubblegum: According to the Firewind meme
Oharue: I'm here to kick ass and be awesome! And I'm all kinds of awesome!
- Combat Pragmatist
- Determinator
- Fiery Redhead
- Shock and Awe: Her pole.
Pascha Mstislavna Kuznetsov
Phena Kysta
The empath.
- Telepathy: She can sense others' emotions, as well as transmit her own.
Pyotr Sergeyevich Troubetzkoy
The Dryad general.
The gearhead.
- Artificial Limbs: He's had to build himself a new lung and arm after a few incidents.
- Dark and Troubled Past
Shawn Nichols [dead link]
The wicked demon.
- Genre Savvy
- Shapeshifting
- Shout-Out: He engages in plenty of these.
Skyler Falde
The fallen angel.
Talan [dead link]
- Cursed with Awesome: He's a ridiculously powerful holy guardian in his own right, and he has masks holding the powers and memories of OTHER ridiculously powerful holy guardians from ancient times, too! Shockingly, he has a problem with this.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Nigh Invulnerability
Troy Royals
US Army Sniper, Paranormal Division.
Xero Ezumi
Zackary [dead link]
Zane Grimm
The grim reaper.
The Following are Original Characters directly involved with the Big Bad in Firewind. Links provided will take you to each Judge's Reference Sheet.
The evil overlord.
- Big Bad: Really, should there be more?
- Dark and Troubled Past: His wife and daughter were murdered.
- Giant Flyer: The guy can become a titanic dragon.
- Insane Equals Violent: Because nothing's better than a psychopath ruling a country.
- Kill It with Fire: Dragon, anyone?
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Shapeshifting: He can change from human to dragon at will.
- Slasher Smile
Drake Idaeus
The inside man.
- Reliable Traitor: While he's under Asmodeus' orders, he's really on the entrants' side. However, as of the end of Round 3, he has unmasked himself and his fate has yet to be determined.
- Running Gag: Drake is most infamous for his stabbing of people in the forehead. This has been addressed several times, both in canon and non-canon comics.
- Telepathy: He can move objects with his mind and sense others' minds.
The dragon servant.
Victor Feliny [dead link]
The Diplomat.
- Dragon with an Agenda: His plans don't quite see to end the same way as Asmodeus.
- Lovable Traitor
- Magnificent Bastard: Really, now. He keeps a smug grin on at all times, and as if that wasn't enough, his loyalty to Asmodeus is highly questionable
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