< Fireball 20XL

Fireball 20XL/YMMV

  • Badass Decay: Happens to Sephiroth in The Rogues Gallery. He even complains about it himself.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: What if GG-Guys had lyrics... Courtesy of Brentalfloss.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse - Stick from The Scrambled Channel, among others, which somehow became the most popular character despite being an inanimate piece of wood.
  • Gannon Banned - Wil used to have an "idiots" page where he made fun of people who asked him Gannon Bannable questions in emails. One in particular is that there is no Chaos Diamonds 1 or 2. It's called Chaos Diamonds 3 because there are three Chaos Diamonds in the story.
    • OMA, meanwhile, will Gannon Ban anyone who asks what song Shadow was listening to in his short Flash movie Sonic Stereo. He got so many people emailing him asking (for the record, the song is "This Machine" by Julien-K, Team Dark's theme in Sonic Heroes) that it actually became a running joke on the site, and was even given a reference in the first episode of Psy's Sonic Bastardized Sonic OVA fandub.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion - Many readers at first thought that Mike (the former member responsible for In Wily's Defense) was female, due to having a female avatar.
    • Same for Noccifire. Several discovered he was male on his debut wha-chow appearance. He since changed his avatar.
    • Also, Jen. One issue of her comic had her addressing the numerous emails she got asking whether she was a guy or a girl.
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