< Finding Nemo

Finding Nemo/YMMV

  • Acceptable Targets: Invoked by the sharks.

Anchor: Except stinkin' dolphins!
Chum: Dolphins! Yeah, they think they're so cute! "Look at me, I'm a flippy little dolphin, let me flip for you, ain't I something?!"

    • And...
  • Adult Fear: To a parent: your family is decimated before it even has a chance to begin. You lose the love of your life, and your innocent child is hurt. Years pass, and you try to protect your child as well as you know how—and then a horrible, monstrous force steals your child away, and you lose all trace of them...
  • And You Thought It Would Fail: Michael Eisner, CEO of Disney, stated publicly that he thought Pixar would be taken down a peg by this film's probable failure. Instead, the film became a megasmash hit that outgrossed The Lion King that happened at at the worst possible time for him in not only undermining his reputation in for his skill in the entertainment business, but it also came out near the end of Disney's contract with Pixar, putting the studio in a position of unassailable strength after a string of five consecutive blockbuster hits.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: The iconic "Nemo Egg" theme.
  • Ear Worm: "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: The seagulls. "Mine?"
    • Tad, the fish that says "I'm obnoxious".
    • The shark trio, too!
    • And probably the biggest Darkhorse is Crush, dude.
  • Genius Bonus: Real dentists will be amused by the references to real dentistry procedures Peach made when reporting what happened in the office.
  • Moe: The baby sea turtles, particularly Squirt.
  • Nightmare Retardant: The aforementioned Bruce the Shark, especially when you realise he's played by Dame freaking Edna.
  • Memetic Mutation: SHARKBAIT, BOO HA HA!
    • "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
    • "First you were like "Whoa!", and we were like "WHOA!" , then you were like "Whoa...."
  • Portmanteau Couple Name: Dorlin for Dory/Marlin.
  • Ship Tease: Dory and Marlin.
  • Tethercat Principle: The last scene.
  • Uncanny Valley: Those darn humans...
  • Viewer Gender Confusion: Peach
  • What Do You Mean It's for Kids?: slaughter in the first five minutes, harsh reminders about the true nature of an ocean ecology (i.e. brutal and unforgiving), a missing child kidnapped and placed in a small confined space with creatures driven insane by their confinement and isolation, a neurotic father whose traumatic death of his partner scarred him for life, and an amnesiac with modified forms of both anterograde and retrograde amnesia who holds no memory of her identity? Yep. Sounds like a kid's movie. This is one of those rare times when it's not the individual content of the scenes that act as a Parental Bonus but the context and serious subject matter that underlie it when translated to a human perspective.
  • The Woobie: Nemo, Marlin and Dory. Especially Nemo in the first tank scene.

Deb: Aw, he's scared to death!

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