< Find Mii

Find Mii/YMMV

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Dark Lord/Emperor's battle theme from Streetpass Quest 2.
  • Demonic Spiders: Any enemy that takes very litte damage from your attacks, or uses any type of magic (e.g Fortifying magic, Mirage magic, Level Down Gas, Nullifying Magic) in Streetpass Quest 2 / Find Mii 2.
    • Mummies are especially infuriating since they can cost you a hero before you even do anything.
    • Some of the reaper enemies will spew Cursed Gas, which prevents you from doing anything unless you use the Dispelling Draft potion.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: In the Streetpass Quest2 / Find Mii 2, the first comment your Mii makes about Dark Lord is this.
  • That One Level: Colored shields. They block all sword attacks except from heroes with shirts of matching color. Magic goes around the shield, but at minus 2 damage. God help you if you don't have a friend to boost you.
    • It Got Worse: Rooms covered in darkness can ONLY be passed by White magic, disallowing brute-forcing fire magic, and forces all other heroes in front of the White hero to flee. Unlike shield rooms, you can't re-order your heroes to put White in front.
    • Even worse, you could reach the maximum number of heroes and NONE of them are white, resulting in all five of them running away from the dark room. On the bright side, once the room is lit, you never have to light it again when you run out of heroes.
  • Scrappy Mechanic: Some of the potions you order may turn out to be defective, wasting a hero AND your Play Coins.
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: Any player who has been using potions or magic to defeat the enemy will be in shock when they find out that Dark Lord/Emperor is immune to potions and all forms of magic, forcing them to attack psychically.
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