< Final Fantasy XIII-2

Final Fantasy XIII-2/Funny

  • In Sunleth Waterscape 400 AF, Serah and Noel run into a small group of Miniflan that are unwittingly playing around Cocoon's crystal pillar (melting it little by little in the process). After a short fight, Serah SCOLDS them, looking faintly ridiculous from the way the camera frames it. BUT IT WORKS! Noel's comments really help. Doubles as Chekhov's Gag.

Noel: Quick as lightning, you go from smiling angel to angry ogre... Yup, you two are sisters alright.

  • Moogle Throw in general, which consists of Serah or Noel pitching Mog like a football at an out-of-reach object.
    • Also the fact that Snow is the one who comes up with the move.
  • At the beginning of the game, Yuj asks Serah about her new clothes. Answer that he can wear them if he wants and he will tell you HE doesn't want to look better than Serah in her own clothes.
  • Choosing the Live Trigger option that has Serah gushing over Snow at the beginning of the game to the point where her voice speeds up like a chipmunk on caffeine.
  • This metal chocobo theme can be if you look at it as very fitting for the whole Killer Rabbit theme - it has by eating all of your greens one by one, and once all out of greens, it literally knocks you off of its back. This song also plays in Sunleth Waterscape 400 AF sometime during the event mentioned above.
  • This paradox ending.
  • During Gadot and Noel's first meeting, you can pull a timey-wimey through the Live Trigger and say you'll let Snow know when you see him after Gadot warns Noel about him. Cue Gadot shrieking a Big "What?" and running away like a little girl. His voice cracking definitely helps.
  • How do you beat Proto fal'Cie Adam? "Hope, your machines are driving me nuts!"
  • "The chick appears to have found hope in Sazh's afro."
  • Whenever Serah or Noel praise any of their human monsters during battle. Serah's "Good boy!" takes the cake if you have Lightning or Nabaat on your team.
    • "You deserve a treat!"
    • Continues the trend if you have Snow in your party, who's Serah's fiance. (In the upcoming DLC)
  • The entire battle with Ultros is one big Crowning Moment of Funny, complete with Shout Outs to Final Fantasy VI.
  • There's a Live Trigger in Augusta Tower 200 AF where one of the answers you can choose from is 'Yeul is cute'. Choosing that answer will have Noel start talking about Yeul with a dramatic camera angle about her eyes and stuff.
  • Failing some of the cinematic actions is hilarious.
  • "COME FORTH, PUPU!" Possibly unintentional, but still hilarious, given how the Arbiter says it.
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