< Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy XII/Funny

  • Gilgamesh continues his tradition of hilariousness in his appearance as a Bonus Boss. He is introduced dramatically leaping from his lofty perch to the bridge you fight on... and misjudging the distance, going too far, and hitting his head on the side of the bridge as he tumbles clear off the thing. And then he just jumps back up and declares "Now we fight!"
    • "Fly, Enkidu, Fly, my faithful companion...I SAID FLY!!"
      • "I.E, your weapons are as good as mine!"
    • And then there's what happens when you leave the area of your final battle with him...
    • Upon inspecting Gilgamesh's sword of Legend, Vaan (or whoever) points out that "It seems like an Ordinary Sword of Legend."
  • A Cockatrice from Giza Plains winding up in Jahara. What's really funny is that the Cockatrice itself knows how to talk (in a British Cockney accent, if you happen to have the Feather of the Flock key item) and it's having fun being there. Many Garifs are seen looking at it with a lot of interest. They all treat him like an honorary visitor to the village.
    • He also wishes to have one of their masks.
  • Balthier's Element of Treachery, "Here she comes!". Hilariously inappropriate considering he's just launched a meteor at the poor beast. The tone he says it in doesn't help either!
    • Balthier's second quickening Tides of Fate, even though he's saying "Heads Up!" it really does sound like, "Surf's Up!"
  • Basch didn't betray his country. It was his evil twin.
  • For a serious game, there are a few funny moments:
    • Vaan asking Fran her age, and everyone's reactions to him afterward.

Fran: *silence, then turns away, offended*
Balthier: Nice, Vaan.
Ashe: Humph.
Larsa: Surprisingly rude.
Penelo: Try to grow up, please?

    • Balthier's disgust for Jules when the party is trying to get into Draklor Laboratory.

Vaan: So...you two were close huh?
Balthier: Close enough for fisticuffs. Driver! Faster, if you please. I would be loathe to expend any of the violence of my present mood on my companions."

    • The Mandragora's pre-battle cutscene in Sochen Cave Palace, complete with goofy cartoon sound effects.
    • That entire battle was absolutely hilarious (if not annoying) because they ran around the arena in order to avoid your attacks. If one can imagine it, picture all three of your allies running around the room trying to bash their heads in as if it were a Benny Hill chase scene, it's hilarious. The death scene is the icing on the cake, upon which they ascend to the great beyond, with the pumpkin star losing his head and him trying desperately to get it back on as both it and the monster ascend to the pearly whites.
    • In Necrohol of Nabudis, a giant Behemoth is instantly defeated by Fury, the actual boss which is an adorable bunny.
    • Pretty much anything Gilgamesh does somehow trumps all his previous ones.
  • At some point in the game, Gabranth and Vayne are talking. After they finish, Vayne dismisses Gabranth for Cid. Cid enters the room talking to Venat, but he looks as if he's carrying on a conversation with himself. Gabranth sees this as he's leaving the room, and makes a motion as if he's completely dumbfounded by what he just saw.
  • While the scene itself was quite serious, Basch getting bitch slapped by Ashe on the Leviathan was worth a chuckle or two.
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