< Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy V/Tear Jerker

  • Final Fantasy V: Galuf's solo fight against Exdeath. Also, the ending was just absolutely touching.
    • Especially since Galuf is reduced to ZERO HP in the battle, and continues fighting with whatever strength he has left.
    • The dialog during the fight clinches it. Ex-Death wonders what kind of hatred is letting Galuf keep fighting. Galuf counters (in what this troper imagines as a primal, defiant yell) that it's not hate keeping him going. He never says outright what it is, but the implication is clear.
      • To say nothing of the dialog after the fight, where in a rare subversion of Gameplay and Story Segregation, the party attempts to save Galuf with spells and items, and fail. No better way to tell the player that this character is truly dead.

"Cure! Cura! Phoenix Down! Elixer! Raise! Why isn't it working? "

      • Not to mention Krile begging her grandfather not to die and leave her alone, because he's her only living family. And then a few minutes later when she unflinchingly takes his place in the party at his behest.
    • From the same game, Syldra makes the most haunting and beautiful noise this troper has ever heard, in an SNES game! Not to mention that she gets THREE death scenes!
    • Gilgamesh as he sacrifices himself to save the main characters from Necrophobe.
    • There is an optional scene where Bartz visits his hometown, and when he play music box thing at his own house...bringing back the very touching scene of his family when his mom about to pass away.
  • Right before the party heads out for the final confrontation, Exdeath Sucks every friend, significant NPC, and character hometown into the void. In a way it's worse than what any other Final Fantasy villain managed to do, because it's just so personal. Exdeath isn't kiling a single hero or NPC who was in his way, he did it just to be cruel.
  • For those that consider the ending a tearjerker, beat Neo Exdeath with at least one character KOed and bump it by an appopriate factor for each additional character.
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