< Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy IX/Funny

  • Quina's inexplicable survival skills become absolutely hilarious when compiled in order: s/he falls several hundred metres while exploring Cleyra (lands safely), gets blown up along with Cleyra during Odin's bombardment (walks all the way back home), dives off a cliff in Madain Sari (fished out by Eiko), dives off another cliff in Madain Sari (swims to Treno[1]), dives off a bridge in Treno (washes up in Lindblum)... and of course, s/he manages to avoid the destruction of Terra by being the first team member to find the Invincible's lower teleporter!
  • Call the moogle on the field and then decide you don't even need him, he gets miffed. Do it long enough and he tells you "I'm sharpening my knife, kupo." Continue even longer and he starts screaming "STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT, STOP IT! KUPOOOH!" at you.

Disc 1

  • How your team enters the Burmecian Palace: Freya leaps fifty metres into the air and onto a balcony (Goddamn Dragoons...); Zidane climbs a statue to reach the windows; Vivi tries to follow but trips and falls flat on his face; and of course, Quina loses interest and waddles off to look for food.
  • In the first small town you stop over in (Dali Village), the party splits off for a bit to explore the town. Zidane finds Dagger in the weapons shop, checking out a bulletin board, and there's a few seconds of both Zidane and Dagger looking back and forth like it was a tennis game, until she even realises he's there.
    • Garnet pretends to act like a normal country girl when she meets an old farmer woman. She catches an oglop and the woman remarks that most girls hate them so Garnet squeals theatrically and throws it up in the air.
    • Zidane "accidentally" grabbing Dagger's ass while climbing a ladder. "Ooo, soft..."
    • There's also the bit when Vivi and Garnet go into a combined Heroic BSOD[2]. Goes from serious to funny when Zidane's reaction basically boils down to "blow all this for a bag of chips" and drags them along as he makes a run for it.
  • Any scene where Steiner proves just how ineffectual he is outside of combat; ideally the funniest is when he questions Morrid about the cargo ship arriving at Dali and tries to losen his lips by threatening him with eviction. Morrid calls his bluff easily, and Steiner resorts to wringing his hands and whining "Tell meeeeeeee!"
  • There's also the first staging of 'I Want to Be your Canary'. You fully expect Steiner to get stage fright when he first appears on the actual stage... but not so much his total freakout when Garnet is fake-Stuffed in The Fridge.
  • In disc 1, Garnet convinces Steiner to ditch the team with her and leave Lindblum for Burmecia, and he ends up smuggling her through South Gate in a duffel bag. When looking for a place to let her out, Steiner finds himself having to talk to this woman, who's actually part of a Homage to the Tanabata legend as she's infatuated with the shopkeeper at the opposite end of the mountain tram... leading to Garnet kicking him from inside the duffel when he messes it up.
    • It gets funnier if you check on how the couple are doing immediately after.

Mary: "...I really liked your store. It had a nice atmosphere, a lot of sunlight, and a nice sign. But what made the store really special for me was... the real reason I always went to your store was..."

Jeff: "Who is this girl?"

    • In the same scene, Steiner meets a worker who has been intentionally cutting corners and is responsible for the party having south gate closed on them earlier. Upon realizing this, the following thought box/choice occurs (doesn't make a difference, but still funny as all get out):

Steiner: You were the reason we couldn't get through the gate!
Don't kill!

    • Also worth noting is the scene in which Garnet drugs the rest of the party with Sleeping Weed so she and Steiner can escape. Steiner initially begins to fall unconscious with the rest of them, before Garnet points out that she did not put any in his food. His reaction is something along the lines of "...oh hey, look at that, I'm fine." It's pretty safe to say that any scene involving Steiner on the first couple of discs is bound to be a Funny Moment.
  • Escaping from the third Black Waltz makes for a cutscene that is both awesome and hilarious.
  • "Wow, even the oglops are big in Lindblum..."
  • Worth noting in the prologue to the Lindblum Hunting Festival is the overly enthusiastic monster breeder who actually yells "Go, Zaghnol!"
  • When the party first meets Cid, Steiner, disliking Oglops, punches Cid.

Disc 2

  • So many to choose from in FF9, but one of the funniest scenes was Eiko's cooking. The whole scene requires you to make several choices. Every choice you make has an effect on the scene, and no matter what you do it always ends in some hilarious way. It's funny on its own, but the thing that makes it a Crowning Moment is that it's so pointless - the entire scene is meaningless, none of the choices have any lasting effect on the game, and it's pretty clear the developers were just yanking your chain.
  • After a deeply touching scene between Zidane and Vivi when the little black mage couldn't sleep in Madain Sari, the camera pans over to Eiko, listening in on their conversation and congratulating herself for spotting what a wonderful, mature, wise paragon of a guy Zidane really is...and then, still offscreen, we overhear Zidane recommending an "age-old ritual between male friends" to calm Vivi's troubled thoughts. Eiko eagerly perks up her ears--and then the "ritual" turns out to be taking a pee off a high cliff together. Whoops.
    • Extra chuckles for the swiftness with which she flees in embarrassment.
  • Cinna's punishment for ignoring Baku's orders, missing the cable car, and eating South Gate Bundt Cake. "Take my Super Tornado Tantalus Punch!!!"
  • When running from a monster in Fossil Roo, Garnet accidentally falls on top of Vivi. Quina stands in the doorway only to be booted forward by Zidane behind her.
  • When Zidane, Garnet, Vivi and Quina first encounter Lani, a female mercenary hired by Brahen, Zidane's first reaction? "Have we met before?" Followed by an immediate "Stop hitting on her!" from Garnet, to which Zidane says "Yes ma'am."
  • Dagger and Zidane get married in Conde Petie, solely to be able to pass a roadblock. Marital hijinks ensues:
    • Zidane gets cold feet but Dagger is fine with it. Zidane begins to wonder if she's actually fallen for him after all, leading to this train of thought while they take their vows: "Gotta admit, I was pretty deep that night in the black mage village. Maybe that's when she fell for me? I'm such a stud!"
    • Then he tries for the traditional "I do" kiss, but she walks away and he falls flat on his face. "Playing hard to get, eh?"
    • Zidane then learns that the reason Dagger was okay with the marriage is because she only considers them married while they're at the village, leading to several instances of him declaring themselves "newly-weds" and using pet names for her including "darling" and "my lovely wife", only for Dagger to rebuff him.
  • One better, Vivi getting married to Quina.
      • "I...so happy..."
  • It's probably the game animation at work, but you can catch Vivi doing a full-body WTF when Eiko's personal Moogle is revealed to be female.
  • After Lindblum is invaded by Alexandria, one of the female soldiers fangirls over the resident idol Lowell.
  • In Conde Petit, this entire exchange.

Zidane: We know, Eiko. But if you feel like crying, just cry.
Eiko: I'm gonna go pray to my grandparents! I'll be right back. (Eiko leaves)
Zidane: If you need to, you can cry, too, Garnet. My shoulder's always available.
Garnet: Yeah, thanks. What about you, Zidane? What do you do when you need to cry?
Zidane: (poses as if to glomp her again) Oh, I get real clingy when I'm sad!
Garnet: (puts her hands on her hips) Cut it out!
Zidane: Hey, I was serious.

Disc 3

  • This troper can't be the only one who burst out laughing when the potion Doctor Tot mixed to turn Cid back into a human turned him into a frog instead.
  • While looking for the potions in the Business District in Lindblum, you have the option of asking NPCs about the potions. One man says this: "Dammit Jim! I'm a doctor, not a miracle worker! Ask somebody else!"
  • Then there's what happens when Quina arrives in Lindblum and runs into an old woman selling pickles. S/He gets into major trouble when s/he has no money to pay. If Zidane comes to fetch Quina before going on the Blue Narciss, this scene occurs:

Zidane: Hey Quina! Where've you been?
Quina: Zidane! I so glad you here! This person very scary, I need help!
Grandma Pickle: What the hell are you talking about? Do you know him?
Zidane: Yeah, sort of...
Grandma Pickle: Well, he's got some nerve. He ate one of my pickles without paying and tried to run off.
Zidane: Somehow, I'm not surprised.
Quina: She say try one, so I try one. I do nothing wrong!
Grandma Pickle: Are you nuts? I'd be out of business if I gave out free food!
Zidane: Take it easy. Geeze...so how much does he owe you?
Grandma Pickle: 100 gil.
Zidane: Tch, fine...(Zidane pays Quina's bill) There, happy?
Grandma Pickle: Just get that...thing out of my sight!
Zidane: Come on, Quina!
Quina: Thanks, Zidane! You my hero! I follow you forever!
Zidane: Please don't...

Girl: (sotto) "Sorry, we'll talk later!"
Guy: "I hope you get kicked by a horse..."

  • When exploring Ipsen's Castle, there's a door-sized mural you can inspect to see if it's really a secret door, whereupon the game starts adding extra actions in your dialog (Poke, Pound, Think, Rest, Try Something Drastic...) Rest makes Zidane lean on the wall, which opens it. Might count as Fridge Brilliance if you consider the reversed nature of the location (it's upside down and weaker weapons do more damage to enemies) and that casually leaning against it counts as putting the least amount of effort into wanting to pass through it.
  • In Alexandria, there's a young man at the Heroine Statue looking for a girl that apparently was supposed to meet him there. Walk around to the other side, you'll find a young woman wondering what's taking him so long to show up.

Disc 4

  • When Beatrix and the Alexandria fleet come to the gang's rescue while they're flying into the Memoria, Zidane remarks to Steiner "Quite a woman you fell in love with". Steiner replies "you're one to talk" and cue Garnet with hands on hips.
    • Just before that, Beatrix suddenly turning Tsundere when the Pluto Knights start chatting about her and Steiner.
  • There's a scene in Memoria where Quina thinks s/he's drowning to death only to realize that s/he's not and is actually swimming through the air.
  • When Zidane runs back into the Iifa Tree to retrieve Kuja, he runs like mad past the thrashing roots and falls into the hollow trunk, where he finally finds the guy... then we go into bullet time as the camera rotates around the both of them for dramatic pause... but instead of making the dramatic save, Zidane plummets the rest of the way and hits the bottom in an anticlimactic Looney Tunes puff of dust. You can just catch him trying to frogpaddle out of it before that.
  1. which is across the ocean
  2. Vivi realising he was merely manufactured like all black mages; Garnet realising her moher was responsible for it
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