< Fill the Moon

Fill the Moon/YMMV

  • Alternate Character Interpretation-- To the point of it almost being Canon Defilement.
    • Even within the Mooniverse too, there's shades of this. Marluxia (especially during the MarVex arc) can either be seen as a good, if desperate guy just trying to get his Tsundere lover to finally admit his feelings for him by being very direct about it, or a possessive Yandere Stalker with a Crush.
  • Canon Defilement--Considering that the author is very openly scornful of both 358/2 Days, and had not played Birth by Sleep at the time of the fic's beginning, the fic has a tendency to ignore parts of canon. YMMV on whether this makes it better or worse.
  • Complete Monster--Hollowmoon. While there are quite a few people in the series who commit acts of villainy, Hollowmoon really, really takes the cake. His exploits range anywhere from convincing a little girl to commit suicide, personally eating the hearts of EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THE APPRENTICES while Ansem was forced to watch, burning down an entire village and eating about half of the inhabitants on a whim, driving another village mad with starvation, threatening to kill the baby that Senayax had been forced to carry, mind-raping Zexion and Senayax, and being responsible for the destruction of Radiant Garden. And he is not in the slightest remorseful for any of the heinous acts he commits; he remains a giggling, evilly affable, sleazy bastard right up until the end. Of course, being the darkness inside of Kingdom Hearts means you're quite likely up for some evil acts.
    • Larxene's husband counts as well. Raping someone is pretty awful, sure but he just goes above and beyond the call of monstrosity. From what has been garnered from the Mind Screw that her flashbacks and hallucinations have going on, he's locked her in a dark, tight box without food, water, or clothing for days on end, bitten her, beaten her, burned her, and probably threatened to cut off her breasts, if Relane's actions are any indication. Even worse, there's a scene that implies he has raped her with a knife before. He is the worst human character in the series, and we don't even know his name!
    • Wait, if he raped her with a knife, then what does that say about Larxene using knives as her weapons?
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome--Too many to properly list. Highlights include Senayax's Badass Boast when she's trapped inside Kingdom Hearts; "I'MMA MEMBER OF ORGANIZATION XIII, SO DON'T FUCK WITH ME!" indeed...
    • Demyx's aforementioned ship-jacking and Heartless-drowning.
    • Vexen fights Maleficent--and WINS.
    • Roxas talking back to both Kingdom Hearts AND Hollowmoon after Senayax and Zexion "die" has got to count for something.
    • Really, with about 150 chapters of fic under the Mooniverse's belt, you've got too many options to list.
  • Crowning Moment of Funny--Belle forces Xaldin to crossdress to win Luxord's affections. How does she get him to do it? Easy. By pinning him to the wall with his own lances and tying him to the bed. The best part? It WORKS.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming--Every time that Xigbar and Xaldin aren't trading snark-fests back and forth, the two of them often end up in one of these.
    • When Lexaeus comforts Larxene after she finally confesses to him that she had been raped by her ex-husband.
      • Hell, basically anything that happens to Larxene and Lexaeus in general.
    • Axel and Roxas's first meeting.
  • High Octane Nightmare Fuel--This fic is HORRIFYING. Highlights include
    • Senayax's parents killing her grandfather for his money, and making her do the deed; afterwards, they decide to use his corpse for rations...
    • Cannibalism. More specifically, an adorable little girl eating her grandfather.
    • The very existence of Hollowmoon is terrifying. As for what he does...
    • In his first appearance alone, he eats a pregnant woman and her baby, burns down the little heroine's village and mind-rapes the Apprentices whose hearts he had previously eaten. Once we find out what else he's done even before we meet him...
    • Hollowmoon very graphically eats the hearts of the Apprentices, claws out Braig's eye and eats it, and is in far too many Does This Remind You of Anything situations with Wise Ansem and Ienzo.
    • It is implied that he drove the protagonist, (whose age is a Flip Flop of God, but estimated to be around "physically thirteen, mentally seven"), to suicide so he and his sister, Kingdom Hearts, could use her as a vessel.
    • Plus, the very fact that this is what lurks inside something like KINGDOM HEARTS is...not a comforting thought.
    • The Taffymeat sequence is one part Disney Acid Sequence gone Darker and Edgier, one part Freud Was Right, one part Does This Remind You of Anything?, and four parts absolutely horrifying.
    • Ugh, the goddamn Mind Screw with Relane and Larxene's abusive ex-husband. Who is, y'know, supposed to be dead. Sick and wrong.
  • Moe:
    • Senayax
    • Demyx
    • Ienzo seems to have been this trope.
    • As far as the author and the Mooniverse itself is concerned, Ienzo is a Moeblob kitten of almost memetically cute proportions.
  • Tear Jerker: Almost damn near everyone and everything gets a depressing backstory or miserable moment. The author seems to love dragging literally EVERYONE through the Despair Event Horizon or, by proxy, delivering an emotional gutpunch to the readers. "Highlights" include:
    • The adorable little OC protagonist, who is purity incarnate and barely thirteen years old, is impregnated by Zexion, who is understandably conflicted about the whole ordeal, considering his guilt for initially desiring a sexual relationship with her. The best part? The man who orders Zexion to do it? Her own father.
    • Oh, and not to mention, she almost dies because of the pregnancy, and spends about three to fourth months in constant, screaming agony that she tries to put on a happy face over her pain, so as not to make her family worry.
    • Zexion's Heroic Sacrifice is just AWFUL. Senayax pulls a Please Wake Up and everything, which, considering how brutally she has had her innocence stripped from her, just emphasizes the fact that a very scared little girl in a lot of pain just watched her lover die because one of her best friends tried to kill her father.
    • To anyone reading those above spoilers and openly weeping; yes, it is THAT kind of fanfic.
    • Oh, and some of the stuff that happens to Demyx is horrific. The scene where he literally tries to clean the castle with his own blood, not noticing the fact that the chemicals in the cleaner had worked his hands raw is a disturbingly realistic portrayal of PTSD. It doesn't help that even after Xigbar finds him and tries to help him, Demyx is adamant it's all his fault and begs for Xigbar to BITE HIM...because that's what his big brother did. This troper shed far too many tears over that scene.
    • Oh god; there's a scene after the other Apprentices--including the baby's father, Zexion--find out that Senayax is going to die because of her pregnancy in which Lexaeus, who had already seen an experiment like this one fail, with fatal consequences is basically having a Heroic BSOD in front of Kingdom Hearts. Zexion comes out to find him and basically tears him a new one before breaking down in tears and begging for Lexaeus to help him. Lexaeus, who is normally the Organization's most emotionally stable member, basically tells Zexion that there's nothing they can do.
    • The part of the chapter in which Zexion tells his lover, Senayax, that she's going to die is one of the worst parts of a chapter that is basically the fanfic's Crowning Moment of Absolutely Goddamned Depressing. The only thing that Senayax says to him is just the sadness cherry on the misery cake.

"Zexion, if I die...can you promise to hold my hand?"

    • That totally broke this troper. The worst part? The chapter's title is, of all things, Hope.
    • The next chapter isn't much better. Xemnas is having a My God, What Have I Done?-induced breakdown over inadvertently killing the girl who he considered a daughter when said daughter he condemned to death comes in. Frankly, the author just spells out the depressing for us, so I'll just leave a little segment for you to sob over here...

"Zexion told me I was gonna die soon." She said. "He wouldn't lie to me like that." Something odd and alien flashed behind her eyes, but it faded as soon as it had come, and it left a frightened little girl in its' place. "A-am I gonna die, Xemnas?" She asked. Xemnas didn't know what to say. She shook her head. "Cause I see'd Zexion coming back t'our room, an' then he just...he looked so sad. Like he'd given up. I knew he did, 'cause all he did was hold me an' cry until he fell asleep..." She shivered.
"I'm scared. I don't...want to be givened up on..." She broke down in tears, trying to stifle the sounds of her sobs as she looked up at them. "Please don't give up on me..." Xemnas pulled her into his arms from across the bed, desperately trying to cradle her close and stroke her hair as he sobbed with her. "No, no Yaya." He whispered. "We won't give up on you. I promise, I promise..." He felt Saix settle in beside them, holding his hand in his and stroking her hair with his other hand, and Xemnas could only think of one thing to say. "Daddy's here, Yaya," he whispered, voice hoarse with agony, "daddy's here. It's going to be all right, sweetheart, daddy's here..."

    • Larxene's backstory is almost as bad. While it's not as cry-your-eyes-out drama worthy as some of the other instances explained already on this page, seeing the normally snarky and caustic Larxene crying and having a nervous breakdown because of being raped and abused by her ex-husband for about three years is...jarring.
  • The Woobie--Horrible things happen to Senayax. A lot.
    • Most, if not all of the characters, are Woobies.
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