
Figmas are poseable dolls commonly of anime characters produced primarily by the illustrious and industrious Max Factory and Good Smile Company. Figmas differ from Nenderoids and posed PVC figures because it is smaller and moveable, come with exchangeable faces, hair, and handsets and accessories such as weapons, food, pets, books, etc. It is heavily invested in character accuracy and are usually 125-145mm tall.

The first figma was a special edition Haruhi Suzumiya based on and bundled with the PlayStation 2 game, Suzumiya Haruhi no Tomadoi. It was released on January 31, 2008 with the product code SP 001. In 2008, the first mass produced Figma, Yuki Nagato from the series The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya was released.

Fun to play with, fun to act out scenes with, and parts are usually interchangeable between figmas.

Revoltech Fraulein series is a similar idea with smoother looking joints but less accurate character designs and usually larger.

Tropes used in Figma include:

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