Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan!!/Characters
Charger Girls/
Plug Cryostat
One of the titular Charger girls and an employee of Neodym Inc. She's the first to stumble upon Oumi Sento when his sister registered on her geiger counter and surprised to encounter a "Parallel" (a term for humans used by the charger girls) that can see and touch somebody like her and has since become close to him, often hanging out on his house to watch her favorite show and later develops romantic feelings towards him.
She's constantly ranked last among her peers due to her ditzy nature and low charging count and thus, is always subjected to a monthly pay cut. However, she takes her job seriously and disagrees with the notion that she simply must charge up people to meet her quota and get paid, preferring to find a long lasting solution to people's problems before charging them up. Because of this, she's the only charger girl with the lowest returner (people who are constantly in need of a charge) rate.
Plug charges up these tropes
- Butt Monkey: she's often this to Sento and Aresta
- Catch Phrase: "Fight! One Shot! Charge!"
- Determinator: She charged up a person who emits a strong electric discharge upon contact and didn't stop until he was all better. She ended up in the hospital and almost lost her arms.
- Expressive Plug-like Hair Thingies
- Genki Girl
- Latex Space Suit
- Les Yay: With Arresta
- Morality Pet: also to Sento and Aresta.
- Ms. Fanservice:
- Otaku: she's a big fan of Magical Girl Sweetie Millie, a borderline Hentai Show Within a Show
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: She disobeyed orders just to charge up a person deemed a lost cause.
- Red Headed Heroine
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Aresta's blue
- The Ditz
- Theme Naming / Meaningful Name: A charger girl named Plug
Aresta Blanket
Another Charger girl and Plug's complete opposite. She's constantly at the top of the charger girl rankings and has won 3 consecutive MVP awards. Her work philosophy is basically, charge people, meet quota, get paid and has little concern about the people she charges. Her philosophy is gradually changed upon Plug and Sento's influence.
She's first introduced as an arrogant charger girl who constantly berates Plug's ineptness but gradually warms up to her as they spend more time together as partners. She also meets Sento Oumi and develops feelings for him and is constantly vying for his attention.
Arresta charges up these tropess
- The Ace: She's the best charger girl in Neodym Inc, and has won 3 MVP awards.
- Break the Haughty: She broke down and cried after losing the duel between her and Sentou, after claiming that she will probably mop the floor with him, being the best among the charger girls.
- Buxom Is Better
- Double Entendre: "Even though it hurts a lot at first, it starts to feel better eventually. Is that really true?" she's talking about being hit with a baseball bat
- Gag Boobs / Gainaxing: Her breasts seem to jiggle at the slightest movement, even while wearing her Latex Space Suit
- Les Yay: With Plug
- Love at First Homerun Swing: She began to be drawn to Sentou after being hit on the head with a baseball bat.
- Meganekko
- Ms. Fanservice
- Punch Clock Hero: She will dutifully perform her work as a charger girl until work hours end.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Plug's red
- Theme Naming: "Aresta" is used to protect power plants from lightning surges
- Too Kinky to Torture: She apparently loves being hit by baseball bats...but only when Sentou is swinging them.
- Tsundere
- Vitriolic Best Buds: with Plug.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair