< Females Are More Innocent
Females Are More Innocent/Playing With
Basic Trope: Women only do bad things because of male influence.
- Played Straight: Marla only betrayed The Captain because she was manipulated by Evilo. When she saw how far he was willing to go, she did a High Heel Face Turn.
- Exaggerated: Marla jaywalked only because of Evilo's influence.
- Justified: Marla was The Ingenue before she met Evilo.
- Inverted: Lady Macbeth.
- Subverted: It looks like Marla was an Unwitting Pawn of Evilo, but actually she knew exactly what she was doing.
- Double Subverted: But she still didn't fully understand what she was getting herself into and does a High Heel Face Turn.
- Deconstructed: Marla claims that she only did bad things because she was manipulated by Evilo. She goes free and commits the same crime again on her own, killing more people.
- Reconstructed: Marla has a Freudian Excuse, but the heroes recognize that this doesn't mean she's not responsible for her actions.
- Parodied: Marla has no will of her own and just obeys the orders of the last male character who talked to her.
- Lampshaded: "Captain, it is illogical to assume Marla is innocent on the basis of her gender."
- Averted: Marla is a Card-Carrying Villain.
- Enforced: "The Moral Guardians will complain if a woman is really bad."
- Invoked: Marla was genetically engineered to be docile and innocent.
- Defied: Marla was genetically engineered to be evil, by a female scientist.
- Discussed: "By God, we can't punish Marla for this! She's so sweet and innocent!"
- Conversed: "Do you think Marla would be portrayed so sympathetically if she weren't female?"
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