Fathom is a comic book created by Michael Turner and originally published by Top Cow Productions. It debuted in 1998 and was Michael Turner's first creator-owned comic book series, Fathom is published by Turner's own company, Aspen MLT. The plot of Fathom follows Aspen, a girl involved in a mysterious cruise ship disappearance only for the ship to reappear out of thin air ten years later. Aspen gets caught up in the mysterious events, coming to grips with her apparent water-based powers in the process.
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Tropes used in Fathom include:
- Ambiguously Brown: Aspen herself.
- Apparently Human Merfolk
- Elemental Shapeshifter
- Military Mashup Machine: An amphibious jet-fighter, based on a recovered fighter from the race the titular character is from. Semi-F-14ish with variable wings, but mounted with a forward sweep design.
- Ruthless Modern Pirates
- Statuesque Stunner[context?]
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