< Far Side Island
Far Side Island/Playing With
- Basic Trope: A tiny deserted island
- Played Straight: An island consisting of a couple of feet of sand with a palm tree or two in the center.
- Exaggerated:
- The above-mentioned island has someone living on it, somehow.
- An entire tribe is living on the island.
- Justified: There really are tiny islands, and they likely would be uninhabited (unless a castaway did find him/herself unlucky enough to be marooned on one.)
- Inverted: A large sprawling continent, heavily populated.
- Subverted: The island in question is actually decent-sized, with a jungle and lots of wildlife.
- Double subverted: But is still uninhabited for one reason or another.
- Deconstructed: Someone cannot live on what essentially amounts to a sandbar with (at best) a few coconuts for food and no water. Especially not more than one someone.
- Reconstructed: The people on the island have good survival skills, enabling them to live on this tiny island until help arrives.
- Parodied: The person(s) on the island have steel drum music, fruity drinks, leis, etc.
- Necessary Weasel: The series is about How to Survive on a Deserted Island
- Lampshaded: "If you were on a desert island and could only bring one (X), what would you bring?"
- Averted: No such island, and no castaways attempting to live on one.
- Enforced: The artist can only draw islands this way.
- Invoked: A boat crashes on or near one of these.
- Defied: The survivors get into a life raft rather than attempt to live on a tiny island.
- Discussed: "How can they live there?"
- Conversed: "I dunno..."
- Played for Laughs: Almost always is.
- Played for Drama: People not getting along, searching for food and potable water, and just generally trying to survive.
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