Far Out There

Yes, the cast is large
Far Out There is an often cute, sometimes-dark-humored ensemble webcomic by Simon Ladd. It's the comic where things happen... IN SPACE!!!
Tropes used in Far Out There include:
- Absent Aliens - Made clear right at the start.
- Air Vent Passageway - Trigger is good at using these.
- Aliens Speaking English - Technically, there are no extraterrestrials, but everyone speaking English is still true.
- An Asskicking Christmas - "Bridget and Alphonse's Horrifying Christmas"
- April Fools' Day - The ol' "fake ending" gag was employed in 2009 and again in 2010.
- 2011's April Fools was a little... unusual.
- Author Avatar - Ichabod is occasionally accused of being this. The author denies it, saying he just wanted Ichabod to look like him to for cosplaying purposes.
- Bad Santa - And ugly, too.
- Badass Adorable - Bridget the Zombie.
- Be Quiet Nudge - Bridget shuts Alphonse up in this page, lest he should give away the fact that they were the ones who hired Skye. (Of course, neither of them can talk so one wonders why she bothered)
- Big Damn Heroes - Occurs when Sophia and Clare finally respond to Ichabod's call for help.
- Blank White Eyes - Layla, while experiencing an exceptional level of stress.
- Brain In a Jar - Dr. Vanderslice has a whole room of them.
- Casual Interstellar Travel
- Cat Smile - Trigger does this on occasion, especially if pranks are involved.
- Character Blog - Borderline example: the most prominent characters have their own personal Pandora Radio stations.
- Cower Power - Alphonse, most of the time.
- Creating Life Is Awesome - Creating Bridget and Alphonse seems to have worked out pretty well for Tabitha.
- Cursed with Awesome - Avatar. Immortality and indestructibility sound great on the surface, but what good is Eternal Life when you have no life?
- Cute Bruiser - Bridget again.
- Does Not Like Shoes - Trigger, ever since he let the Jesus Freaks dress him.
- Enfant Terrible - Megaweapon is bad enough just judging from what is actually shown. The stuff that's only talked about is even worse.
- Face Doodling - Happens to Ichabod once... among other things.
- Fiery Redhead - Layla. Oh boy...
- Fish Out of Water - Trigger.
- Flat What - Avatar's reaction to this.
- Fruit of the Loon - Ichabod really seems to like apples.
- Fun T-Shirt - Trigger is easily amused by these.
- Halloween Cosplay - See below.
- Like Brother and Sister - Trigger and Layla are most emphatically in this kind of relationship.
- Mad Scientist - MANY in the cast: Tabitha, Dr. Caligari, Dr. Vanderslice, Avatar's creators, and so on and so forth.
- Mama Bear - Tabitha
- Masculine Girl, Feminine Boy - Bridget and Alphonse
- Mismatched Eyes - Skye and her x-ray eye.
- Motherly Scientist - Tabitha. So VERY much.
- My Suit Is Also Super - Avatar's robe. See this page.
- Names to Run Away From - "Megaweapon."
- Nerd Glasses - Ichabod's massive eye-wear.
- No New Fashions in the Future - At least where the main characters are concerned.
- Noodle Incident - Ichabod tells Kiki about one of his previous adventures, but we only hear part of it. Where DID that epileptic pig come from?
- Ichabod brings up another several pages later. SHOULD he have known those Space Whales had "mommy issues?"
- Not Growing Up Sucks - Avatar.
- Odd-Shaped Panel - This comic lives by this trope, seriously. The most jarring thing it can do now is a normal layout.
- The Perry Mason Method - Ichabod unintentionally pulls this on Trigger. It's "unintentional" because Ichabod was actually trying to deflect attention off of HIMSELF.
- Serious Business - Ichabod makes a career out of it.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend - in this early page.
- And again, under more awkward circumstances
- Shirtless Scene - Trigger has had several.
- Space Clothes - The main characters tend to look pretty normal (see No New Fashions in the Future) but background and secondary characters tend to be a bit more fanciful.
- Space Is Noisy - The Exposition actually makes tire-squealing noises when it stops abruptly.
- Space Whale - Mentioned by Ichabod in one page. Apparently, they can have "mommy issues."
- Techno Babble - all the freaking time, though there's usually at least a little lampshading going on.
- Technopath - Alphonse
- Terraform - The explanation for all habitable planets (and Trigger's backstory, see below)
- The End of the World as We Know It - Trigger was trained from birth to prevent this (not that he actually needed to)
- Avatar was also created with this in mind.
- Thrown Out the Airlock - Cap'n Crosby is known to threaten people with this. And he'll do it, too.
- Tsundere - Layla would seem to qualify.
- Undead Child - Bridget and Alphonse (though, as far as the undead go, they're quite adorable)
- Unsound Effect - including but not limited to:
- Wall of Text - Way too many examples of this, especially on early pages.
- What the Hell, Hero? - Layla gives this to Ichabod once she realizes she could have been killed because he wouldn't own up to a simple mistake.
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