< Fantasy Helmet Enforcement

Fantasy Helmet Enforcement/Playing With

Basic Trope: Any instance where a character goes on a bike, skateboard, etc. He or she will have safety gear on. Always.

  • Straight: Billy and Sally always wear a helmet when biking.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Billy and Sally wear not only a helmet, but knee and elbow pads too, and they are only riding down the street.
    • Billy and Sally wear helmets for anything that they think might even be slightly dangerous. About to do some cooking? Put on a helmet. Going out to get the mail in the snow? Put on a helmet. You can never be too prepared.
  • Justified:
    • Billy and Sally are BMXing, the law demands it, or are riding motorcycles.
    • Or alternatively, Billy and Sally have had bike accidents before and would rather avoid getting hurt.
  • Inverted: They wear helmets all the time, except when they're riding bikes.
  • Subverted: They're wearing hats that look just like helmets, but they don't function as one.
  • Double Subverted: It doesn't look like Billy and Sally are wearing a helmet, but their hats double as helmets.
  • Parodied:
    • Billy and Sally are two nerdy kids; while the rest of the "cool kids" ride without gear, they are wrapped up in bubble wrap.
    • Billy and Sally survived falling off a skyscraper in the first episode completely unharmed due to their powers protecting them from non-magical damage but still wear helmets while biking, flying under their own power, and riding in a car. They do it because of the censors.
    • Every time Billy or Sandy hop on a skateboard, a helmet magically appears on their head out of nowhere, whether they like it or not. They point this out whenever convenient.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Billy's friend Sam doesn't wear a helmet, and gets hurt because of it. Especially if he falls off his bike.
    • Alternatively, Sam does wear a helmet, but act foolish, thinking that he is invincible because of it, resulting in an injury to the rest of his body. But, hey, at least your head's safe!
  • Reconstructed: The safety benefits of wearing a helmet outweigh any social ramifications from it.
  • Zig Zagged: Billy and Sally start out wearing helmets, but as the weeks grow into months and nothing bad ever happens they start to forget to wear them. Cue the station wagon with Billy's name on it.
  • Averted: Billy and Sally never wear a helmet when biking.
  • Enforced: Moral Guardians don't want the cartoon to set a bad example about riding a bike without a helmet.
  • Lampshaded: Everyone is wearing their helmets today! How safe are we!
  • Invoked:
    • Sam doesn't wear his helmet, despite pleas too. Guess what happens.
    • Billy and Sally are aware that they Can't Get Away with Nuthin' and always make sure to err on the side of caution.
  • Defied: Billy and Sally don't wear a helmet. Either nothing happens, or they get in an accident that causes brain injury.
  • Discussed: "A helmet will reduce your chance for brain damage."
  • Conversed: "See, your favorite cartoon character wears a helmet, why not you?"
  • Fridge Logic: Billy and Sally take the time to put on a helmet, despite the fact that the Big Bad is right on their heels.

Hmm, one of your pupils is dilated after you took that nasty spill. Back to Fantasy Helmet Enforcement for you for some X-rays!

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