< Fantastic Four (Comic Book)

Fantastic Four (Comic Book)/Fridge

Fridge Brilliance

  • May have been accidental, but during Mark Millar's recent arcs, there is one where The Invisible Woman, along with a lot of other super heroes from the year 25xx, goes back in time to bring their civilians into the old Earth. To do this, they have to use Galactus as a battery. The fight brings the number of living heroes from hundreds to six. The Invisible Woman remarks that her 'Husband and children died to get there.' It was strange when she didn't mention Johnny, who was standing right there. Then I realized that was because, since they were from the future, Johnny was already dead. It was foreshadowing his death a good twenty issues before the it ever happened.
  • In an issue of Mark Waid and Mike Wierango's run, the Fantastic Four basically meet God -- who turns out to be a comic book artist with an unseen collaborator who bears a striking resemblance to Jack Kirby. Which is not only a perfect tribute, but makes complete sense on a metaphysical level; who else would a comic book superhero view as God but the artist / writer who created them and the world they live in?
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