< Fantastic Children

Fantastic Children/YMMV

  • Moral Event Horizon: Georca, when he "activated" Tina and started a revolt culminating with a siege in the royal palace.
  • Needs More Love: Despite continued praise from critics, the show has never really developed much of a fanbase and sales of its DVD release were sluggish at best. Part of the problem may be the art style, or the unfortunate non-descriptive title.
    • It also had the bad luck to premiere the same week as the then-highly anticipated Gundam Seed Destiny, which pretty much monopolized anime fan attention that week.
  • Tear Jerker: Lots of them. Some that really stand out are when Hiisuma dies, Duma's Dark and Troubled Past and pretty much the second part of the Greecia flashback arc.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: The title and art style, plus the focus on young protagonists (even for anime) might convince some that this is a kids' show. Luckily, the series opens with some rather dark imagery which should help get the message across that this series isn't for the little ones.
  • The Woobie: Tina after The Reveal and Sess when Tina is saved by Soran when she goes into a Heroic BSOD while he, despite his best efforts, can't bring her to normality.
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